Friday, April 8, 2016

NIGERIA POLITICS: Hon. Joseph Edionwele`s Empowerment Programmes Receive Praises.

Hon Edionwele
EKPOMA-The Elites leader of Esan West local government of Edo State, Chief Godwin Okhiria ( Chief Alafin) has praised Hon Joeseph Edionwele , member, Federal House of Representatives representing Esan Central/West/Igueben local government areas of Edo state for his youth and women oriented programmes.

Chief Okhiria, who made known his praises in Lagos on Friday, disclosed that Hon Edionwele had achieved so much in terms of youths and women empowerment in the constituency.

He noted that the member had since assumption of office some few months ago, empowered over five hundred persons including women and less privileged.

He stated that the House of Representatives member had brought numerous projects to the constituency, among which were 110KVA Noiseless Plant to Esan West LGA to ensure constant power supply in the Local Government Council and to preserve the polio vaccines in the freezers  in order to keep it potent till its dispatch to the various health centers in his constituency for use as part of the medical equipment donated to the primary health care centers in the area and other item which include 41 motorcycles, 40 Sewing Machines and Grinding Machine to youths and women respectively  that will aid self employments and reduce unemployment rate in the constituency.

Chief Okhiria said that he had also donated medical equipment to Primary Health Care Centers across the three LGA in his constituency.

He urged the legislator to continue to do more projects that would turn around the lives of Youths and the less privileged in the constituency.

He called on the people in the area to give their supports to Hon Edionwele as his achievements are speaking for him already.

Contacting Hon. Edionwele on his achievements so far, he briefly responded this way on the telephone;

“A man's wealth is not in the abundance of his possessions but in the abundance of his investment in people.  I thank my people for the opportunity they have given me to serve them. It’s an opportunity they could have given to any other person. And quite a number of times we also have to thank God for this privilege”, he concluded.

Friday, April 1, 2016


Madam Mary & Arc Emuan
Benin City- The three days prayers session for the governorship aspirant, Arc Emuan ended yesterday with bountiful prayers by the oldest woman in the state, aged 135 years old.

According to the coordinator of the programme, Elder Solomon Agiri, some ministers of God, clergy men and numerous people came together to seek divine support for Arc. Emuan.  Elder Agiri, who revealed that the spiritual exercise, tagged “Special Divine Restoration of Edo Glory”, was organized to put the forthcoming Edo gubernatorial election in the hands of God and pray for Austin Emuan in his governorship ambition.

“…because prayer is the only weapon to achieving success”, he said.

Arc. Emuan who attended the three days prayers session was fully high in spirit and rendered prayers in much heavenly languages as he humbly knelt down to receive heavenly prayers by the congregation plus the heavenly blessings. The thunderous moment came when Arc. Emuan led the prayer team to the house of the oldest woman, Madam Mary Ojeriakhi, to conclude and break the fasting ceremoniously.

The oldest woman, still very strong and agile, rendered blessings upon Arc.Emuan;

“ My Creator of heaven and earth, who keeps me till this day; bestow upon my son, Austin Ilenre Emuan, that Heavenly grace, favor, protection and provision of you Lord,  guide all his footsteps before and after the election, make him according to your holy word and divine inclination, the next governor of Edo state, in Jesus name I pray. Amen” Madam  Ojeriakhi prayed.
Madam Mary & Arc Emuan

In her advice;

“My son Austin, remain peaceful in spirit, our God has fought your battle, whosoever  blesses  you God will bless and who plans evil against you will be reversed back to the person;  in the name of my God, I send you to the field for abundant harvests”, she concluded.