Sunday, December 30, 2012



                                                   By Prince Kelly Udebhulu.

  A visionary Leader is what scholars called a thinker who "can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world."

What more can be said about our leaders these days, as one scandal after another tumbles out of the closets every day. Accusations upon accusations of corruptions. Indeed, in Nigeria today, investigations found that both corporate executives and government officials are considered to be among the least trustworthy of all occupations (farmers and small-business owners ranked as most trustworthy).

These happenings might have us wondering whether we have any true leaders left at all, much less truly visionary leaders. Yet such truly visionary leaders do exist, and they can be found in both expected and unexpected places. Some of these individuals are more prominent and more broadly visible.

Roles of A True Leader In a Country:

Leaders are important in any form of Country's development because they are responsible for shaping a Country's focus, listening to the people's needs, make important decisions for the benefit of the country, have foresight, encourage fair treatment of people, and develop partnerships that will benefit the country.

The primary focus of any Country's leader is to shape the peoples' needs and direct all their actions towards it. They are a platform of voice and action whom the people can talk to, and who will listen, making them instrumental in any progress for the country.

  Leaders are also chosen because of their capability to make important decisions on behalf of the country and in order to do this must be good listeners. There may be small groups within the country that have conflicting issues, and both sides must be listened to and understood well by the leader.

  A leader's foresight is crucial in anticipating the outcome of their decisions and country's actions for the rest of the groups. Good foresight means understanding the past and assessing the present to produce a good future.

People in a country can be extremely diverse, and a good leader is essential in promoting fair treatment of everyone no matter what their stand or position is. Each of their values and heritage plays an important role in shaping the country, which a leader can take to mound them for development and progress.

  Leaders also play an important role in fostering partnerships beyond their circle that will contribute to the betterment of their country. These partnerships should allow for more diverse services and products that the country can enjoy as a whole.

Leadership in development is an important role that can make or break the progress of the people involved. They should be chosen well, and a good leader will bring paramount success in helping the country enjoy more services and a better life.

Most often, good leaders are got naturally or acquired through skills but are easily identified.

A good leader has an exemplary character. It is of utmost importance that a leader is trustworthy to lead others. A leader needs to be trusted and be known to live their life with honestly and integrity. A good leader “walks the talk” and in doing so earns the right to have responsibility for others. True authority is born from respect for the good character and trustworthiness of the person who leads.

A good leader is enthusiastic about their work or cause and also about their role as leader. People will respond more openly to a person of passion and dedication. Leaders need to be able to be a source of inspiration, and be a motivator towards the required action or cause. Although the responsibilities and roles of a leader may be different, the leader needs to be seen to be part of the team working towards the goal. This kind of leader will not be afraid to roll up their sleeves and get dirty.

A good leader is confident. In order to lead and set direction, a leader needs to appear confident as a person and in the leadership role. Such a person inspires confidence in others and draws out the trust and best efforts of the team to complete the task well. A leader who conveys confidence towards the proposed objective inspires the best effort from team members.

A leader also needs to function in an orderly and purposeful manner in situations of uncertainty. People look to the leader during times of uncertainty and unfamiliarity and find reassurance and security, when the leader portrays confidence and a positive demeanor.

Good leaders are tolerant of ambiguity and remain calm, composed and steadfast to the main purpose. Storms, emotions, and crises come and go and a good leader takes these as part of the journey and keeps a cool head.

A good leader as well as keeping the main goal in focus is able to think analytically. Not only does a good leader view a situation as a whole, but is able to break it down into sub parts for closer inspection. Not only is the goal in view but a good leader can break it down into manageable steps and make progress towards it.

A good leader is committed to excellence. Second best does not lead to success. The good leader not only maintains high standards, but also is proactive in raising the bar in order to achieve excellence in all areas.

We had these leaders in our midst and we will have them again. Vote for candidates with integrities, Vote wisely in every election.
…To be continued
By prince Kelly Udebhulu

You can tweet to @princekelly75

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Igiebor, Ijaws in Edo and others Dump ACN

By Nosa Uwaidiae.
A former Peoples Democratic Party Chairman at Orhionmwon Local Government Area of Edo State Mr. Emmanuel Igiebor who had decamped to Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) yesterday returned to PDP.

Also decamped yesterday was Governor Adams Oshiomhole’s aide, Prince Victor Idemudia alongside over 4,000 people from Orhionmwon and Ovia South West local government areas of the state at a rally held at the PDP state secretariat in Benin City.

Igiebor who is popularly known as ‘mobilizer’ defected with thousands of his supporters to his former party.

He said his movement from the ACN to PDP has already caused ‘threat and tsunami’ to the party (ACN). He said he and his supporters decided to re-join the party because Oshiomhole and ACN members have nothing to offer to Edo people.

“I’m back to my original party. It’ll interest you to know that they (ACN) have masks on their faces which they use for others. They pretend to be straight forward whereas the reverse is the case. It’s only those that have not been with them that will think that all is well with them.”

“I have returned to the party to work with my colleagues to ensure the emergence of the party and its’ candidate (Maj. Gen. Charles Airhiavbere) to the Osadebey Government House come November 12.” He added.

Prince Victor Idemudia, who was a member of the Committee on Protection of Government Property under Governor Adams Oshiomhole administration, said his decision to dump Oshiomhole’s government and the ACN was occasioned by lack of visionary leadership of the administration. “There is no way and prospect in the ACN” he stated.

Thousands of Ijaws in Edo also defected from ACN to PDP yesterday. The spokesperson for the Ijaws, Timi Robert, said they joined the PDP because of President Goodluck Jonathan who is their kinsman and leader of the PDP, besides, he added that they have not felt the impact of Oshiomhole in the state.

He assured that all the Ijaws in Edo State will work to ensure victory for Gen. Airhiavbere and the PDP, stating that such a victory is a victory for President Goodluck Jonathan and the entire Ijaw nations.

Receiving the decamped on behalf of the party, the Director General of Airhiavbere Campaign Committee, Sen. Odion Ugbesia assured them that they will not be discriminated against. He said they will be given all the supports to ensure they work for the party to be victorious in the forthcoming gubernatorial poll.

Addressing the mammoth crowd, the PDP governorship candidate, General Charles Airhiavbere (rtd) expressed delight that they have been redeemed from darkness.

He urged them to go to their various units, wards to ensure they win them for PDP to flush out ACN from Edo State.

While thanking them for believing in him, Airhiavbere described those in ACN as “prisoners of war who ran the state aground. He reassured that he will restore those things that have eluded the state in the past.”

Those in attendance include the state PDP Secretary, Mr. Felix Otubor, the former Deputy Governor of Edo State and one of the leaders of Edo South, Lucky Imasuen, Deputy Chairman of the party, Hon. Christopher Adesotu and the state PDP Publicity Secretary, Pharm. Matthew Urhoghide.

Also in attendance was Airhiavbere’s running mate, Hon. Johnson Abolagba, Gen. Godwin Abe (rtd), Edo State PDP Acting Women Leader, Mrs. Eghe Tesorae, and Mrs. Uwa Oselemo among others.

By Nosa Uwaidiae

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

ESAN PEOPLE: Fear Of the Ancestral god’s spirit

                                    By Prince Kelly Udebhulu

“This review is not intended to promote ancestral gods worship or humiliate the ancestral gods either” I stand the chance to be corrected as contributions are entertained!

“Altars are built for gods and ancestors. Objects placed on the altars are symbolic of the god and contribute to the success of the worship.”

Why do we have failed promises and broken homes nowadays? A million questions with singular answer.  In those days before the coming of Christianity, the ancestral gods were active and functional in all ramifications. 

The fear of the ancestral gods was the beginning of wisdom, marriage vows, oath taking services and adherent to the agreed contract agreements. Small scale robberies then were at its minimal degree, divorce, adultery, fornication, lie and broken hearts in marriage promises were low in statistics counting. Community Leaders, Village and Family Heads adhere to the genuine tenets of governance for fear of the ancestral god’s spirit. Chiefs selected to represent clans at the community meetings obeyed to the reasons of their selection.
We grow up to know that robbery and lie are bad. Many had no chances to hear the sermon from the Holy Bible before they know what is bad based on the orientation from the family, communal and traditional norms and values inherited and assimilated into the conscience being within.

At arrival of Christianity, Many norms and values were altered to pave ways for the entrance of ill dealings with one another as the ancestral gods feared and honored were renamed as demi gods, powerless gods, blind gods that cannot see but were seeing before the coming of Christianity and active to catch witches and wizards, thieves, adulterers and liars. The fear of the wrath of the ancestral gods which was immediate and timing then diminished; this gives rooms to failed promises in contract agreements, marriage promises and fabricated lies.

In my previous topic, “Polygamy Is Good”, my message was cleared, if we are to have controlled polygamy, we should know we endorsed it instead of modernized polygamy we see these days.  A husband having assistant wives, deputy wives, semi wives and children from outside wedlock activities. Yet, majority say polygamy is not in practice these days. It pays for the woman to know her stand in marriage and prepare her mind towards it than shock associated with incoming wives after her marriage. All these are part of the aftermaths of the coming of Christianity.

Women are no longer taking the ancestral family oath in marriages which was a controlling mechanism against adultery, lie and other odds associated with a bad wife. The fear of the ancestral gods eluded for ill dealings in marriages.

Politicians today are either ancestral god’s worshippers or partial/political Christians. They swear with the bible to perform and govern effectively. They know quite well that the wrath to come will not be immediate and hence, we have bad governance. Gone are the days, when a Politician have the fear of the ancestral gods, once sworn into office with the ancestral gods stick (ukhure) to govern effectively, good result is sure, else, immediate wrath signs will be visualized.

My readers, you will agree that most people today are neither serious Christians nor ancestral god’s worshippers and their activities are of the ancestral god’s era than the Christianity period. Most marriages are broken, liars, adulterers, robbers, bad Government, Community Leaders, Village and Family Heads no longer have that fear to respect the genuine tenets of governance with the fear of the ancestral god’s spirit. Chiefs selected to represent clans at the community meetings and political Representatives do not adhere henceforth to the reasons of their selection and election.

Do you believe if ancestral gods stick (Ukhure) is used to take Oath of Office, these Governors, Representatives, LG Chairmen, Councilors will work effectively?  Your answer is good as mine!

…To be continued

By Prince Kelly Udebhulu
You can tweet to @princekelly75

Monday, December 24, 2012



                                                     By Prince Kelly Udebhulu

Polygamy is the idea of having a plurality of wives or the practice of having several wives at the same time by a man. It is traditional, cultural and religious.

First of all I am not trying to make polygamy a sure doing upon everyone, that isn’t in my mind to do so, nor am I saying that monogamous marriages are not as good as polygamous ones. But there are advantages in polygamy, and for those that want it or already have it, it should be something good, that they are happy with. Those that don’t want it, no pressure, it is a choice.

Back in the days, when polygamy was a norm unlike in today’s society, it was much easier for women to accept mentally as they grew up in and around that idea. Also, if a woman that is marrying a man knows in advance that she will have another woman at home after marrying her husband, then it makes it much easier for the woman to accept, because it’s almost as though she has entered a polygamous marriage. Unlike those sisters that gets married believing that he will have monogamy and then getting a huge shock after marriage when a second or third wife is brought into the matrimonial home as mate.

Benefits for Women

Being able to marry men who are already married means that women can marry men who have already proved themselves, therefore minimizing their risk.

Being able to marry the men who attract most women means they don't have to settle just for what's left after other women have the best pickings.

Having the possibility that a husband can remarry without divorce extends practical security to a woman.

A woman needn't worry about losing her husband and income as she loses her beauty, because if her husband is attracted by a younger woman, he doesn't even have to think about leaving his wife.

Polygamy provides a method where a woman can have a female friend for life as well as a husband.

If a man wants to have another sexual partner in a polygamous system then he has to meet his responsibilities - this issue of not caring for undisclosed children is minimized.
Polygamy removes or reduces the seduction or breaking of hearts of innocent young women, and if a man promises to marry a little girl, he cannot uses his existing marriage as an excuse for not fulfilling a promise.

Polygamy reduces the number of women who are available,  but with polygamy the less women available the more their 'value' goes up. Polygamy allows more women to have a husband, and not left being single. There are no much mistresses, the 2nd, 3rd or 4th wives have the same rights as the first wife and not left to  be mistresses which actually they did not required in their lives.

For those FOR polygamy - do you agree or disagree with me?

For those AGAINST polygamy - what do you see as the disadvantages?
…To be continued
By Prince Kelly Udebhulu
You can tweet to @princekelly75

Saturday, December 22, 2012


                                                          By Prince Kelly Udebhulu

 In Esan culture, it is customary and mandatory after the dead of a married woman for her corpse to be returned back to family. Usually,  after the burial ceremonies at her husband's families compound,  the corpse is taken to her family compound for the proper burial. Optionally, an Esan woman could be buried outside the family home based on a valid request to that effect; a consideration sought and obtained by the first male child. A request to bury her mother in his personal home as honor to her.  He may be accompanied by his age mates and backed by uncles of the deceased. It can be honored or declined. Esan culture has in-built flexibilities. Like every culture, it is dynamic and admits refinement.

The culture is dialectic; it imposes duty on both parents and offspring. While parents owe a sacred duty to nurture children to adulthood, it is the corresponding obligation of adult children to stay alive to celebrate their parents and conduct them through the lonely path home.  It is understood that a child who cannot do honor to his mother is worthless; he enjoys scant regards among his mates and friends.

“Tradition demands that the woman family totally examined the woman before burial. The reasons for this are many but principally to examined whether the woman died violently or was maltreated by her husband. Esan values their children, male or female, this is why unlike some cultures,  the bride price is very low. If any evidence is observed that suggest the woman died violently, questions are usually asked and most times answers can only be accepted after the payment of fines.”
In Esan culture, a man does not discuss the burial rites of his late wife. But the only scene where the husband is summoned, if evidence shown that he did not send the smelly he-goat and a bundle of seven yam tubers just before the first male child birth. It is their entitlement to feast and celebrate the impending motherhood of an Esan maiden.  A deserving right of the youths in the maternal lineage. That is the only fine the man may pay to the youths.  It is strictly between the first male child and those younger than the deceased. Elders do not partake in all the talks about burials and do not plan the attendant cultural ceremonies.

Conclusively, Esan woman in most cases, never buried in foreign land except in rare instances.

…To be continued
By Prince Kelly Udebhulu
You can tweet to @princekelly75

Friday, December 21, 2012



Definition of Un-beatable: Incapable of being overcome or subdued, unvanquishable, unconquerable (not  capable of being conquered or vanquished or overcome).

"Two watermelons can’t be grabbed in one hand." Esan Parable.
 Right from the Holy Bible: " A prophet has no Honor in his home"
Date of Birth: 04/08/1933
Place of Birth:
Education: Government School, Uromi; Scotland Yard Training School, United Kingdom; International Police Academy, Washington, United States; Administrative Staff College, 1975.
President, Benin Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture, 1978-84; Chairman, Social Democratic Party, 1991-93; Member, People's Democratic Party (PDP) Presidential Policy Advisory Committee, 1999; Minister for Works, 1999-2003.
Career: Known as 'Mr Fix-it'.


 "Chief Tony Anenih has made his mark as one of Nigeria's most flexible politicians and the ultimate political survivor - he has served every military and civilian regime"
 President Goodluck Jonathan Thursday, 20th December, 2012, appointed  Edo State politician, Chief Tony Anenih, as Chairman of the Board of the Nigerian Ports Authority.The appointment was announced in a statement late Thursday by the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Pius Anyim.
The NPA is considered one of the most lucrative agencies outside of the oil and gas industry.

Meanwhile, as we known and awared that the race for the position of the Chairman of the Board of Trustee of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, hots up, there are indications that the leaders of the party might have settled for the candidature of Chief Tony Anineh as the next chairman of BOT in January 8, 2013 when the election will take place.

Information at the disposal of  Esan People News revealed that PDP might have abandoned the zoning arrangement as the party leaders appeared to have zeroed in on the candidature of Chief Anineh who can do the job perfectly and nationally, adding that he has got what it takes to pilot the affairs of the board to the next desired level in Nigeria.

All indications stood that the party has rejected the advice of former President Olusegun Obasanjo to the effect that  Chief Anineh should not be considered for the job instead the former chairman of the Party, Ahmadu Ali should be allowed to take over the leadership of the board by January next year. According to the source, in a meeting held the National Chairman of the party, Alhaji Bamangar Tukur, it was agreed that all the candidates vying for the post is not much qualified more than Chief Anineh for the job.

Source from the Presidency  revealed that the presidency may have endorsed the candidature of  Chief Anineh as most of the people lobbying for him are mainly presidency men whose argument is that Chief Anineh enjoys the respect of larger members of the party nationally, and would be a great assets in the 2015 general election

Chief Tony Anenih remains the voice we hear and politician we know not only at State level but National at large.

 To be continued...

By prince Kelly Udebhulu

You can tweet to @princekelly75