Sunday, December 16, 2012


BY Prince Kelly Udebhulu.

   We sat alone gazing at the sun beyond human imagination, we move lonely like a visionary though elephants on our heads seem not enough for cooking. WHY ? ESANOKPEBHO.

  We were at dawn when a visionary arrived and planted the tree of development and declared : “By the establishment of the Bendel state university{ Ambrose Alli university}, we will ensure the development of intellectual capacities of individual to understand and appreciate their environment and the acquisition of both physical and intellectual skill which will enable individuals to develop into useful members of the community...End of Quote (Prof. A.F.Alli).

   Today not Yesterday, Esan People protest for crickets ¿ God forbids, Weep No More, Ewu Flour Mills will Speak the language of her Parents. ODIANOSEN General Hospital will give birth to HOPE And WISDOM. AKUGBE will raise up Attorney General of the Federation.
OSEMEKHIAN in our Politics Will DIE A Natural Death.
Once Upon A Time, Esan People produced NRC And SDP national Chairmen, Governors were produced from our land, more than one Government Cabinet Ministers were harvested by the Federal Government from Esan Land simultaneously. Assemblies Of God Church that gave birth to thousands of other churches today were rooted and emerged from Esan Land. Two great Cardinals speak the language of Esan, a language spoken by Jesus Christ at the Cross of Calvary, " ABA, ABA ...". A legend and youngest among gathering of intellectuals who moved the motion of Independence from the country's colonial rule was an Esan Man. During military Era, Esan people are core members of AFRC. Weep No More !
A child tells his father that he can do what you are unable to accomplish but the father looks far beyond the window, laughs, "my son, let the time comes, those that count their eggs before it hatches are good or wise people?"

  Esanokpebho, is not a slogan but a MYTH which is Grace (unwarranted favor ). A little diversion from the road does not mean it can't be corrected. Weep No More !

Weep No More cries and speak the dialect clearly, BHADIAKUGBE !
Weep No More will be happy if division within Esan Leaders in today politics dies.
Weep No More will be OBHIABA in every home if the TWO ESAN LEADERS in ACN and PDP parties this DAY will see their differences as misunderstanding of interests.
Weep No More will have dinner with us if our TRADITIONAL RULERS leave partisan politics.
Weep No More greets you all, ESANOKPEBHO, BHADIAKUGBE.

...To be continued

By Prince Kelly Udebhulu

You can tweet to @princekelly7

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