Tuesday, January 8, 2013



By Prince Kelly Udebhulu.

" I Know what it is to watch ones' age mates go to school and you don't because our parents can't afford the school fees"

Esan Land will produce World Class Scholars, Engineers, Medical Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, Permanent Secretaries, Governors, Presidents of Federal Republic of Nigeria, Etc with just a leaf to be borrowed from Late Prof. A.F. Alli's gesture by Sons And Daughters of Esan Land. Late Prof. A.F. Alli brought laughters and smiles to so many families and children when he became the Governor, Bendel State of Nigeria with his Free Education Policy Among other notable areas of his policies which touched individuals positively during his brief tenure and opportunity he got.
“...By the establishment of the Bendel state university{ Ambrose Alli university}, we will ensure the development of intellectual capacities of individual to understand and appreciate their environment and the acquisition of both physical and intellectual skill which will enable individuals to develop into useful members of the community..."(Prof. A. F. Alli)

Many Esan People that have the opportunities today will recall with ecstatic nostalgia all that transpired in the reign of Nothingness in the hands of parents and been visited with humble gesture by a privileged Person just to identify with the less privileged in the community, in other words, those who walked in the same path with many of us today some years ago when things were ‘rough’ with our respective families know best. Many know what it meant to be hungry, to be naked, for a child to yearn to have education in spite of his or her brilliance but not to have the fund for school fees, Many of us recall with praises to God today, how some of our uncles came back from cities with their children eating full loaves of bread and you are given the burnt back part of the Bread and you rejoiced at least you shared from a bread bought in the city. Many of us recall how lenders attacked our parents when money borrowed not paid as at when due. Many
scholars, High profile business men and women from Esan Land will recall, how they were driven back from school because parents didn't paid the school fees as at when expected to pay, how your parents cried before you for lack. Have you forgotten when your parents crops farm burnt accidentally and your parents weeped? The weeping was because of your future?
Look at yourself today and digest this piece, “success that is not shared with others is failure”, "A Millionaire surrounded with poor community members is still a poor man"

Esan People have potential people with admirable skills and talents, but these talents will waste if our respective opportunities are not harnessed and distributed for the well being of your people. Bringing charity organisations or foundations either personal or corporate to Esan Land will serve the people positively.

Sad enough is the issue of erecting viable structures or mansions in the cities and failure to build even a one bedroom apartment in ones community. This resulted to the thousands of Esan Pensioners willing to go back to the village but no home to stay and no more money to build half a room apartment again, sorrow and suffering and subsequent death follows and buried in the corner side of his or her parents mud and devastated bungalow that never received their cents when they have the opportunities !

Esan land share a vast landscape for agriculture and profitable investments in all areas. Most Esan People in diaspora having the opportunity today should encourage foreign investors to Esan Land and your efforts will not be in vain. And those living in Nigeria with investment opportunities should know that your legacy and charitable assistance go with your names from generation to generation. These constant migration of youths from the villages to the cities will be minimize as jobs opportunities abound in the immediate environment.

We have so many people in the entertainment industries, efforts should be cornered to see attraction centers and events organize in Esan Land as well which will attract visitors to see to the hospitality of Esan People. These tasks cannot be handled by the present front runners in the business today, I know one amiable Lady MRS PHINA AKHIMIEN ( CEO- Virginhood, VirginHood Magazine and presenter on DSTV, with reality show: GETTING REAL WITH PHINA), Who has thus so far invested on Miss Esan Cultural Beauty Pageant, Among other Esan Persons performing theirs respectively, can be supported in whatever forms.

To borrow a leaf from Late Prof. A.F. Alli's gesture will in no small measure reshape and replace the fake and outrageous 15% Esan People population the unacceptable Edo State population Record stated. Sadly enough, Edo state capital, Benin city, most beautiful and fine buildings, investments and attraction centers especially in Benin suburbs are owned and managed by Esan Sons And Daughters. My tribal instinct as many detractors will say bear me witness that if these our people that have the desired opportunities to bring investments, charity organisations, attraction centers and erect nice buildings in Esan Land see reasons to do so, the future focus of a visionary like Late Prof. A. F. Alli and host of many other Esan People today putting their funds and knowledge towards the development of Esan Land will be achieved.


...To be continued

By Prince Kelly Udebhulu

You can tweet to @princekelly75

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