Sunday, June 9, 2013

Welcome address by Tony Igiehon Chairman BOT Edo Political Forum

Your Excellency the Governor of Edo State Comrade Adams Oshiomole, Chiefs and distinguished guest, ladies and gentlemen, all protocol observed

On behalf of all the members of Edo Political Forum , the board of trustees and Admins, I will like to welcome our distinguished guest to Edo Political Forum's Leadership Conference and Achievement Award 2013, the theme for this years award " is REWARDING EXCELLENCE, PROMOTING FREEDOM AND LEVERAGING OPPORTUNITIES"

Edo political forum (EPF) was formed to address the prevailing lack of political civility amongst our leaders. What you will find is that there is not a single platform where leaders irrespective of their political leaning or ideology can seat together and address the common challenges of our people without bickering and pointing fingers. For this reason we decided to creat a platform where members irrespective of their political party, can participate and contribute solutions to prevailing challenges and also expect members to critically analyze the solutions and yet be able to offer alternative when necessary.

As part of our strategic vision to institutionalize the culture of leadership development at all levels in Edo State, EPF decided to organize “an achievement award ” on a yearly basis to honour outstanding leaders who have demonstrated total commitment of a life-of-full-service to the peace and progress of Edo State.

Edo is blessed with foremost thinkers, past and present and it will be a disservice to the furtherance of peace and progress, if the contributions of these great minds are not recognized

Edo political forum recognize increasingly the neglect of our heroes past, the question is, how do you encourage the next generation of leaders if you are yet to recognize those leaders who have served diligently? This question gave rise to the need for the EPF Achievement Award, this award will recognize leadership in various aspect of the social/political/economy

Edo Political Forum (EPF) is widely recognised as a benchmark of excellence in good governance and leadership development. Through the adoption of openness and “a voice for all” policy that we practice, the forum
has become the de-facto voice of the people of Edo State. Irrespective of their social status in the society , EPF provides the umbrella platform for people to have the freedom to say whatever they want to say to their representatives in government. Our hope is that this will ultimately promote the culture of good governance and accountability within the government.

Guided by its service to society and humanity, EPF promotes the highest professional conduct among its members., in EPF, people have become more aware of their rights and privileges and also of their roles and responsibilities to their society.
EPF is the perfect bridge, at the right place and the right time, to narrow that gap between a development-focused leadership and institutional priorities. It is envisaged that this will ultimately bring about more rapid economic development and transformation of the Edo state.

The task to rebuild Edo State and restore its past glory is a task EPF does not take lightly. EPF will leave no stone unturned to empower people to become more aware of the contributions they can make to enhance Edo State.

EPF’s yearly award will improve visibility to government activities and it will be an effective instrument to close the gap between the people’s expectations and actual government actions and programs.

EPF will help to strengthen democratic institutions and the entrenchment of the rule of law so that the people can become more empowered and able to demand better governance

The wind of change that is blowing round the world for a more responsive government must not exclude the good people of Edo State. The people’s power must remain supreme in a democracy. The government of Edo State, at all times, must be guided by the people’s will and must be responsive to the pulse and dynamics of its constituents.

Thank you and welcome to the 1st Edo Political Forum leadership conference and achievements awards.

Tony IgiehonEdward Osayande,Efosa Efosa UyigueDarlington Eseosa OgbeifunFidelis Edosomwan

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