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Obue Kennedy Ede |
What has metamorphosed into restructuring or reforming of the councils today is the hide and seek game over the council by both the Federal and State Government since 1999. In the past four year, the council administration suffered instability and arbitrary dissolution of elected Government to assure exclusive responsibility to reform the councils, which is a grassroots affair, is an erosion of the last vestiges of our federalism. By the provision of the 1999 constitution, elections ought to have been held into the councils since May 2002. This clearly a subversion of the constitution. The subsisting law is being ignored with impunity, in anticipation of reforms still in the work.
It is generally agreed that any attempt to review and reform politics and governance at the local level in Nigeria should, or must, be conceptualized in a proper appreciation of the historical evolution of the structures and process of local governance and the inherent contradictions.
Which have been imbedded in the evolution of politics and local government in Nigeria, namely;
The colonial period (1900-1960)
The Post –Colonial period (1960 – 1966)
The period under military rule (1967 – 1975)
The period since 1976, when the substantive reform, which main features have prevailed to date, was introduced.
In the colonial period the major attributes of local government structures and processes are as follows:
Utilization of local institutions primary for resources mobilization and utilization to serve colonial interest and objectives.
Local government was not essentially democratic or primary people, and development oriented. It was hinged on the administrative capacity of authoritarian traditional institution to provide law and order, as well as minimum basic services that facilitated the pursuit of British colonial interest and objectives.
Thus, the Local government system during this period relied on traditional authoritarian structures and processes for its sustenance.
During the post-colonial period, the Local government system remained essential undemocratic, with essential appointed staff, and with strong influence and role of traditional authorities. The major distinguishing characteristics of this period, however, are as follows
Diversity, rather than uniformity, of the system of Local government, as each region pursued reforms and policies in the context of the dictates of their Local circumstances.
Relative’s financial autonomy, from both the regional and national governments.
Greater, autonomous roles in Local and community development, in addition to the preoccupation with security, Law and order, and
Greater roles for traditional authorizes, but with reformed structures and processes meant to ensure accountability and more efficient utilization of resources.
The roots of the current Local government system can be traced on the 1976 Local government reforms, which introduced a uniform Local government in the country.
Although there have been some far reaching structural and organizational changes since the, the main features, of the system introduced in 1976 survive to date. Among such key features are;
The single tier structure,
The personal system
The fiscal transfer system and functions, and
Patterns (or lack) of downward accountability.
The need for reform in 1976 was based on the obvious incapacity of Local government to deliver basic services to citizens. Mo0st local governments could not provide any services or pay staff salaries then because their internally generated revenue were meager and state government’s grants were discretionary and irregular. Besides, following the first military take-over of government in 1966, some local functions (e.g Police, Prisons, Judiciary, Education, Forestry, etc) were taken over by higher levels of governments.
In addition, changes were made to the Personal system to improve their executive capacity, while altering the relationship between elected Local officials and traditional rulers to completely secularize authority at the Local level.
The concept of Local government behind the reform was to institutionalize a system of democratically elected local government in which the principles of subsidiary, determined the services to be delivered and Local citizens held their leaders accountable through elections. Held triennially.
The brief sketch of the context of Local government administration is meant to sensitize us to some of the prevailing dynamics of interstate and intergovernmental relations and contradictions associated with them, which have shaped and still shape local government administration in Nigeria and which have given rise to the current impetus for reform.
The paradox now is that as important as the Local government system is the Nigerian context, it has failed to function appropriately and serve the needs and aspirations of the people in services providing and satisfactions of basic needs.
It has also failed to be really democratic and broadly participatory. Essential due to their incapacity to satisfy the needs and aspirations of Nigerian. Local government have instead of brining government nearer to the people for grassroots’ development, but succeeded in making government so far from the ordinary man in the village.
This fist was not only accomplished by the elected officers only, but with those who are supposed to use their wisdom to select candidates for local government pool, not as a result of first class in academic studies, but the ability for the candidate to channel the collective destiny of the people he represented, through collective investment in his talent by giving him mandate to represent their interest in the local government council.
Owing to the foregoing in the Local government administration in Nigeria, and having deep thought into the Nigeria Political climate, you will discovered that it is not only for self gratifications, which requires, both those who mentally and physical retardate, but with those who are intelligent, mental and physically stable, who may not necessarily seek self-gratification, also seek to protect, preserve and promote the welfares of his people and the nation in general.
You find out to be able to do this Herculean task, it requires, an investment, in academically sound mind, hoping to meet people who constitute the physical government, who are either more intelligent than him or those he is more intelligent than to deliberate on issues that affect the generality of the constituency and how fund allocated to the various constituency, will be appropriated.
If members of the government, for his constructive policy statements and prudential argument when the need arise, recognize him, he will not only take the constituency he represent to a greater political height, but also put his constituency on the notice, to greater government authorizes, for meaningful development.
In essence therefore, the reasons for this developmental agenda for this great community is to spy into Federal government, local government reforms across the country. From all intent and purpose, paying attentions to the various discussion that have been held by the technical committee on the local government reforms, which will give more autonomy and powers to traditional institutions within the Local government councils in area of policy making and formulations.
Before we can successfully harness the benefits of a well granded political development in our community, education must be a thing that has to be given priority attention, otherwise, we will definitely not, find ourselves not suitable in the wheel of advancement that is moving not only in a geometric speed, but with high technological advancement, that is taken place in the globe. By minutes.
Application for positions, either in political party, congressional election or to represent us as a result of political appointment or pool elections, should have not only basic education, but an education that can cope with the prevailing today’s circumstances, having the aspirations of the people he represent upper most in his or her heart, and having insight into the world above his dwellings.
I would like to draw our attentions, to our boundaries along communities like Egoro-naka, Ebudin, Ojogba, Uhomode local govt. areas of our border line etc. Making out the boundaries within those borderlines, making all necessary judicial and legal documents to convey it. With or without the collaborations of the local government, we should be above to have an up-date geographical map of Urohi, having a glass copy of it, in the Palace of His Royal Highness, which is subject to review as boundaries adjust. It will interest you to note that natural resources like crude oil, copper, gold, boxonite, iron and zinc are mainly deposited along, creeks. The facts that they are not found yet may not necessarily means that, they are not present in our creek, along Idudun Camp, Oviawe Camp etc, but their maturity to a harness able state is a matter of time.
This ideas becomes imperatives, because no sooner natural resources are discovered comes boundary disputes, before we begin to talk of ceasing of our border line, or our boundaries to other neighboring communities, which may lead to inter or intra community melchanloy, who maybe aware or the benefit and political attention of such discovering could bring about in the land of the community were they are found, and may want to take advantage of it. These issues should be considered with utmost seriousness.
It is dishearten to note that, our few educated citizen has concentrated attention on Local Government administration as the last resort for a community, whose population is well closed to 15,000 people or more, not only to alleviate poverty, but as a source of liberating them, and those who aspire to this local government position has so narrow their thinking and mind towards the people they represented, without expanding their view to reaching out for both governmental and non-governmental agencies that has initiative of alleviating poverty and good health delivery to the people of Africa in general and Nigeria in particulars.
I will like to state her that Urohi is a part and parcel; of the geographical expression that made up of Nigeria. Suffice to mention the activities of USAID, with the training of well over 5,000 Home Care Giver, and well over 10,000 volunteers spread across villages and hamlets in Nigeria is to
Ensure the provision of NAFDAC registered vaccine to rural dwellers
Educate our old Mothers who illiterate on both the administration of drugs for nursing babies and aged adolescents
The danger inherent on drug abuses and the benefits of sex education to our teens
The importance and benefits of good and qualitative educations
The effect of HIV/AIDS and their relationship with poverty
Ensure children are developed from childhood to adulthood, through balance emotional, psychological and physical upbringing, where Urohi as community in the Nigeria map, should have benefited, if efficient human resources managers are available to represent us in the local government. This is by no way an indictment.
However, to reaching out to the agencies, I must confess, did not need to pass through the administration of the Local personnel to meet them, but all it takes, is to be mandated by the people who wish to represent, either as a Local Government Councilors, or as any government appointed personality, using that profile as a government official, from a constituency with less government attention to reaching out to these agencies who are ready to come to your constituency to see the situation on ground and take immediate actions.
This method, as a matter of honesty has saved the life of people and alleviated their poverty situations in some part of the Country, which for record purpose I wouldn’t want to mention, and other communities, who have these understanding. are either executing or planning to follow same procedures enumerated above to reaching out for social, economical and political development of their community, thereby bringing about modern liberation process in the new world or communities that has less government attention to feel the benefit of today’s democracy.
Regrettably, from the period of colonial era up till these days, there has not be a concise, determinable, and unweaving tendencies from the part of our representatives or elected individual into offices that has be constitutional provided for us as a people, to tackle the idea of good governance or expansion of the Project was last talked about during the week days of Chief J. I Erhunwnsee, Mr. B.O Ebata ( Mr. S. I. Ebughe of blessed memories) and the host of others who have in one time or other played a pivotal role in this regard.
I would like to remind you that these are political and development agenda, which form all intent and purpose, could keep an elected or appointed officer representing the Kingdom to be so busy in the office, so as to attract both the local government council, where he is a member, or the State will eventually attract Federal Government attention who has in the recent time, showed great interest in the seismology of areas with enough deposit of solid minerals in Nigeria with the view of harness them, where they are found.
Taking a mental survey, without the use of kaleidoscope or Atlas machine, you will smell and feel the deposit of Uranium, Gold, Iron Ore, Zinc and possible oil along the creeks of Obadie Forest, Oviawele Camp and Idundun Camp, undoubtedly have these mineral resources in abundant in the soil. Suffice to mention here the boundaries between Urohi and Obagie cannot be confidently determined by the councilors, or any government appointee representing of boundaries adjustment and measurement , rather, they see political appointment and electioneering process as a way of earmarking, even before the commencement of their without regard to the welfare of the citizens they seek to represent.
In his broadcast to the people of Nigeria to mark its 42nd Independence Anniversary last year. President Olusegun Obasanjo gave the three levels of development democracy as:
1. Materials Democracy
2. Institutional Democracy
3. And Super Structural Democracy
One thing is definite about these levels and that is, that the three are inter-related. They draw their strength from one another. The truth about these three levels of democracy however is that is cannot be said especially at which of the levels does a nations, state, local government or communities excels.
Attempting to elaborate on his postulations, President Obasanjo described the components of each levels as:
1. Material or infrastructural level: A system of production, distribution and exchange;
2. Institutional level: A system of institutions, organization, the procedural mechanisms (political party system, the media, civil society and civil services) and
3. Super structural level: A system of social relations, culture, values, and the totality of interpersonal relationships within our society.
In a nutshell, all President Obasanjo was trying to say was how the factors above could be applied to build a solid base for democracy to thrived in the country.
In short, the factors that determine the survival and growth of any democratic culture include all of the ones listed by President Obasanjo and supported by the peculiarities of our national experience.
The problems of democracy in Nigeria and in fact to the kingdom of Urohi cannot be limited to just the factor above, but could take their bearing form all of them. Nonetheless, the central impediment to the growth of democracy is the inability of the founders of our democracy to fashion a system that could adapt to our local environment.
I wish to state, though regrettably, that Urohi would have made more impressive strides if our politicians had played the game according to the rules. Disrespect for the rule of law breeds anarchy and this often attracts politic of bitterness, not politic of looking carefully for an individual who can volunteer to take the collective destiny of the people of Urohi to the doorstep of the government for development purpose.
What I advocated, is that politicians and political office holders should show obedience to the reality on ground in Urohi, as to the indigent nature of our community, the constitution of Federal Republic of Nigeria, Political Parties mainfesto and the rule of law for the sake of possible political liberation of our people and community at large, peace, security and good governance.
In the last few years of Urohi’s democracy, issues that has featured prominently is agitation by some group of people who for selfish interest, wanted or have dictated the political pace of the community to sooth their personal aggrandizement or selfish egotism.
These social problems, I believe, can still be addressed if we decided to take our destiny in our hands. Be reminded that elective or appointed positions in the political hierarchy, is not to make money, though the elected officer or the appointee is supposed to earn salaries and wages for the job he or she is doing for his or her community, but I believe politician should concentrate more on the call to services and carry the destiny of those he represent to a high esteem, as the primary aim of this calling, rather than, before the election or appointment, he had already earmarked a piece of plot, where likely he will build his house or already have an understanding with some car mart on the kind of car, he would want to buy as long as the tenure lasted.
My worry is that unless something drastic is done, our community will continue to drift endlessly. The high incidence of disruptions in our social system since the inception of our new democracy is a sign of the times.
Up to date, there have been non-availability of sound educational materials in our only educational institutions which was made possible by Chief Prof. Ambrose Alli of blessed memories, not because we had a representative in the government then, but because we were then living in a democratic era just as we have not and people were clamouring for more schools, and Urohi was considered. Let us assume that, Urohi Secondary School is within the exlusive list of the State Government.
Our health centres, which is the primary responsibilities of the Local Council to maintain has not only suffered neglect, the physical structures that make up the health cetnres are facing extinction. Suffice to state, there are young graduate who are Medical Doctors, either on horsemanship or on national Youth Service Corps that needed to be deployed form their orientation camps to communities like ours for their primary areas of assignment, with all necessary incentives and encouragement form our leaders, whether political or community leaders, to at least administer First Aid treatment to sick people before they can be taken to Ekpoma, which is 18km away from our village. Thank God for His mercies.
Even though in every democracy, being an institution that engenders competition for power, there are bound to be conflicts. But how the conflicts are managed makes the whole difference. It has been identified that the father of al the ills that plague our young democracy is corruption. Corruption is a monster that ravages the Nigerian state without mercy. Though there has been a heightened war against the scourge, little has been achieve.
The future for democracy is bright and we are ready to work to defend it. We need the support of this august people who is reading this my view points to move swiftly to arrest this ugly trends, that is not only detrimental to our academics, social, economic, political and even our scientific awareness as to the necessary THINGS THAT are needed to moving our community forward.
If an urgent action is not taken to stop this scourge, sooner than later, we will not only be a political dumping ground for people like Ekpoma or Co. I can assure you, the political destiny of Urohi might be bargain for a price in Ekpoma and Co for big money. I mean very soon.
May I however, emphasize that despite the difficulties that face our new democracy there is still hope in the horizon. Urohi as an autonomous community has been bless by God and endowed her with abundant human and material resources but painfully, today, Urohi has more than 5,000 graduate out of an estimated population of about 15,000 people or less yet still ranks among the poorest community in EsanWest in particular and the State in general.
Nonetheless, this will depend, to a large extent on effective and committed leadership that has been the bane of our development since our political era. Once the problem of leadership is solved, no doubt, Urohi will be on the threshold of making history. Our present democracry is bound to succed, because there is a greater awareness on the part of the stakeholders to make it work.
As a prominent player in democratic process inUrohi, I am in the forefront of the crusade for social change and equity. I have waged a fierce battle against Ward II those days and those in Ekpoma, and those ills that have held our community prostrate I have done this at risk of my life, in the belief that no sacrifice is too much to make for your people.
It behooves on some international agencies non-governmental, non-profit making agencies and other advanced nations to assist Nigeria to make her democracy work. The greatest danger to democracy in Nigeria is the crave for wealth by leaders, and to this end, the leaders in Urohi has wittingly or unwittingly join the train of money politics and the syndrome of winners takes it all, without sparing a thought on how to develop the intellect to create more wealth. Creation of wealth goes in line with intellectual capacity.
It is the absence of moral integrity coupled with the low-level of political educating among the electorate that has worsened the tendency on the part of elected leaders to divert resources meant for the uplifting of the lives of the citizenry to personal uses without accountability to the people you seek to represent, sentencing us electorates, by fate to the devious machinations of a horde of horribly egoistic, shallow-minded political actors, who have held us hostage in the past.
Politicians should know that by voting them into power, the electorates have powered them to manage their collective destiny as a people. For this reason, they ensure that they discharge their mandate dutifully and transparently.
Honestly, I doubt if the exploited majority of our community, could ever fully appreciated the very stakes involved by allowing political office holders to rule, as they like. Though, it was an aberration to talk of good government, when we are just learning the rudiment of democracy in the last four years, but I can speak with utmost finality, that if we practice madness with four years, how long then will it take it jump into the market place.
• In regard to the future of development in Urohi, we must close rank and join hands in the task of building a strong, united, virile and an indivisible community. Sons and daughter of Urohi must come together and work together harmoniously to build a purposeful and prosperous community, which will, sooner or later dictate the political pace of Esanwest for her intellectual contributions to policy statements in the locality.
• We risk administrative brain drain, if she is not posited now, towards restructuring, because communities in Nigeria today or the world over are moving from exclusion to inclusion
Big bros, I agree with you about your ideal of generating Revenue in the system that will benefit all the locals. First we need to look into develpoing tourist destinations, that can also produce other small businesses. In this case investors and stakeholder will be willing to work in the progress in the network society.