Monday, October 27, 2014


EKPOMA: As the November party primaries draw near, all political parties and their candidates taking part in the primaries have taken their consultations to a feverish level.

In the run up to the primaries, candidates have intensified their campaigns/consultations as they go round the five local government areas and wards in Esan land trying to convince the party delegates to vote for them. The election, Esan People News reliably gathered, is mainly between the incumbents and the new aspirants in the APC and PDP respectively.

For Chief (Dr) Francis Inegbeniki, APC`s aspirant, Edo Central Senatorial District, his message is simple; “Let my good works  in Esan land continue” and “One good turn deserves another”. On his message. “I am the man you can trust.”

In one of his consultations, he told the  gathering to choose between his past achievements and the legacies of the incumbent Senator who is interested in "Stomach Infrastructure".

According to him, “if other contenders tell you what they will do in the future, they must tell you what they did in the past in Esan land in terms of infrastructural and human developments.  As future leaders, you have a duty to refuse to be intimidated.”

“We must keep them out with the power of the truth. On party primaries day, the choice is yours whether to elect who will not represent you genuinely.

According to Chief (Dr) Francis Inegbeniki, APC`s Senatorial aspirant; “I urge you to stand by me. Give me your votes and I will shock you with more programmes and development. As the Uzoya of Esanland, I am bound to bring development to Esanland. We are redefining politics to bring the greatest good to the greatest number of people in Esan land”.

“My past works speak louder than my voice. You have your choice to vote between dormant representatives and what is good for Esan people. I will do my best for Esan people, he said.

For Chief (Dr) Francis Inegbeniki, eradication of corruption and meeting of peoples need would be his focus. He said large scale farming would be done to engage the Esan youths and that farm machineries would be distributed free.

Reported by Esan People News Crew.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Candidates’ Eligibility and Post-election Court Cases. Know your Candidates Now.

EKPOMA-When in 2007 the Supreme Court awarded some previously unknown privileges to political parties in Nigeria, it also opened a new vista of responsibilities for the parties. The apex court ruled in the case between Governor Rotimi Amaechi of Rivers State and the then governor Celestine Omehia that elections were contested and won by political parties, rather than individuals. The implication is that the parties have the right to present whomsoever they desire as candidates – but in line with the respective parties’ constitutions.

As an apparent follow-up to the milestone judgment of 2007, the National Assembly amended the Electoral Act and added provisions that completely transferred the role of determining the eligibility of candidates from the Independent National Electoral Commission to the political parties. The amendment gives the parties the final say on the choice of candidates for elections.
The Electoral Act 2010, as amended, expunged section 87 (9) of the Act, which states, “Where a political party fails to comply with the provisions of this Act in the conduct of its primaries, its candidate for election shall not be included in the election for the particular position in issue.”

The amendment then added a new provision, section 31 (1), which states, “Every political party shall, not later than 60 days before the date appointed for a general election under the provisions of this Bill, submit to the Commission in the prescribed forms, the list of candidates the party proposes to sponsor at the elections, provided that the Commission shall not reject or disqualify candidates for any reason whatsoever.”

The Electoral Act 2010 also in section 87 (10) substantially ousted the power of the court to stop a candidate presented by a political party.
Though, a lot of criticism has followed this rather omnibus power of the political parties, the parties can take steps to ameliorate the situation and calm the fears regarding their wide powers if they play their role well.

However, while the political parties have very excitedly – often overzealously – embraced the role of final determiner of candidates’ eligibility, they have tended to make only a perfunctory effort to check the statuses of those they present for elections. This has often resulted in post-election constitutional uncertainties with disruptive consequences for governance. And where elections are cancelled as a result of the eligibility question, the country is made to bear the extra financial burden of conducting fresh polls. Uncertainties like this can be avoided if the political parties do a proper pre-qualification test on their candidates before presenting them for elections.

There is need for the political parties to do a thorough check on the background of their candidates to avoid the presentation of persons with real handicaps that can be the basis of post-election litigation or other future complications.
Educational qualification, health, criminal record, age, and mode of primaries are among issues the parties need to scrutinise carefully to ensure they do not leave loopholes that can create future problems.

Some states and constituencies in the country have had the misfortune of electing persons without the physical or mental ability to really carry out the functions of their offices. Sicknesses do occur and when they do, it is natural to feel for those affected. But it certainly does not do any good to either the party or the electoral constituency to elect into office someone who harbours severe disabilities, which ab initio means he or she is going to spend the bulk of the tenure absent from duty to attend to medical conditions.

Educational qualification has also proved to be an albatross around the necks of some politicians. Politicians are known to sometimes cook the books and present bogus credentials in a bid to out-manoeuvre their opponents. Litigation or political controversy arising from such situation has sometimes stalled progress in the legislative or executive sphere. It is the place of the political parties to do a strict scrutiny of their candidates’ credentials to ensure the emergence of the right candidates.

Records of past criminality have similarly been the subject of long debilitating arguments after elections. Political parties can nip this needless controversy in the bud by doing a conscientious scrutiny of all allegations against their candidates before presenting such persons for election. Clearly, the political parties can do a lot to prevent some of the controversies that have come to constitute a drag on democratic progress, particularly after elections.


High Chief (Dr) Inegbeniki

CHIEF (DR.) FRANCIS INEGBENIKI, the Aare Atayese of Lagos and the Uzoya of Esan land. A personality in Esan land whose influence and supporters cut across the major political parties (PDP & APC). He is an Industrialist and well-known entrepreneur. A Philantropist. He is founder/Chief Executive of Ine Oil Limited, Member, Lagos Chamber of Commerce And Industry (LCCI), National Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines And Agriculture (NACCIMA). PATRON, ESAN YOUTH MOVEMENT WORLDWIDE.

JOURNALIST: It is in the ‘rumours mills’ that you are warming up for the Senatorial position of Edo Central Senatorial district. What is the true picture?

You may call it a rumour. But it is true. I am eminently qualified to contest for that position. I have used my influence to assist many politicians in Edo State but I have never at any time contested for any political position. I believe power comes from God... Youths from my area (Esanland) have been asking me to contest. However, I want my people to send me to the Senate. I am not power drunk; but if my people decide to send me, If I eventually represent them, I will ensure that Esanland get the right representation in the Senate. I will work for my people and not my pocket as some people are doing today. I am not contesting to make money; because, by the Grace of God, I am a successful business man. Senator Ugbesia has nothing to show for being a senator for two terms now. And we are gathering that he want to go for a third term.

The man at the senate (Ugbesia) is not representing Esanland; rather, he is representing himself and not the Esan people. What we have at the Senate at the moment, is a sleeping Senator and Esan people now want a change come 2015. We want a senator that can adequately represent Esanland; that will showcase Esanland and bring out the good virtues of the Esan race. Esan land is tired of having a dormant representative at the Senate.

*SUPPORT CHIEF (DR.) FRANCIS INEGBENIKI, the Aare Atayese of Lagos and the Uzoya of Esan land, Edo Central Senatorial Seat, 2015*.