Friday, November 7, 2014


Courtesy of Esan National Congress Worldwide.

Ongoing Research has preliminarily shown that up to or more than 1/3rd of the population of Benin City are Esan people. If you add that to the population of those at home, plus those in Abuja, Lagos, Warri, Port Harcourt, Abroad, etc it could be argued that Esan people may actually be the greatest majority in Edo State. The 2016 biometrics based Census that shall include Place of Origin and Place of Residence as well as tribe in the data collected will satisfactorily solve this riddle.
Despite the fact that Esanland has such huge under-reported population in Edo State constituting about 35% of the Benin City population, about 15% of the Afeimai population and over 85% of the Esan population, yet some propagandists want you to believe the made up debilitating lie that you are minority of about 15% in Edo state without empirical basis. This is not true. They only counted or assumed based on those who registered to vote in Esanland. All Esans who registered to vote in Benin City are counted as Benin City people. Esans who registered to vote in Auchi or Etsako are counted as Etsako. Interestingly, neither Etsako people nor Benin people ever register to vote in Esanland. Think deeply about this. Having identified the tricky problem, this can be corrected. Starting from now. But how?

1. Collection of Permanent voter's card starts on the 7th November and ends on the 9th of November 2014.
2. Fresh registration for those who have not registered before starts on the 11th November and ends on the 17th of November, 2014.

1. If you had registered elsewhere outside Esanland but you want to transfer to Esanland so you can vote more safely and profitably in Esanland, your home, you are advised to go to the nearest INEC office to do the transfer FREE OF CHARGE.
2. If you or your family member have not yet registered and wish to register in the scheduled registration exercise, please make the sacrifice for Esanland by travelling home to register in your home city. Even Jesus parents went to Bethlehem their home to be registered that was why they gave birth to Jesus in a manger because there were no more rooms in the hotel as all the Bethlehem people cane home to be counted among their people. If Jesus did it, you are right to do it.

1. You will no longer be called minority because akugbe ahu.
2. You will no longer be unable to vote out underperforming representatives because if you registered in Lagos or Benin City you cannot vote for or against anyone in Esanland.
3. During elections, you would be safer as you would be voting in your own community and not be afraid of anything.
4. It is your civic duty to your Nation of Esan to increase her sociopolitical reckoning in Edo State.
This Post is not in favour of any political party but a Civic Duty to enlighten our people on the benefits to Esanland if they registered at home. And please vote wisely.
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Esan OYEE!

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