Friday, April 8, 2016

NIGERIA POLITICS: Hon. Joseph Edionwele`s Empowerment Programmes Receive Praises.

Hon Edionwele
EKPOMA-The Elites leader of Esan West local government of Edo State, Chief Godwin Okhiria ( Chief Alafin) has praised Hon Joeseph Edionwele , member, Federal House of Representatives representing Esan Central/West/Igueben local government areas of Edo state for his youth and women oriented programmes.

Chief Okhiria, who made known his praises in Lagos on Friday, disclosed that Hon Edionwele had achieved so much in terms of youths and women empowerment in the constituency.

He noted that the member had since assumption of office some few months ago, empowered over five hundred persons including women and less privileged.

He stated that the House of Representatives member had brought numerous projects to the constituency, among which were 110KVA Noiseless Plant to Esan West LGA to ensure constant power supply in the Local Government Council and to preserve the polio vaccines in the freezers  in order to keep it potent till its dispatch to the various health centers in his constituency for use as part of the medical equipment donated to the primary health care centers in the area and other item which include 41 motorcycles, 40 Sewing Machines and Grinding Machine to youths and women respectively  that will aid self employments and reduce unemployment rate in the constituency.

Chief Okhiria said that he had also donated medical equipment to Primary Health Care Centers across the three LGA in his constituency.

He urged the legislator to continue to do more projects that would turn around the lives of Youths and the less privileged in the constituency.

He called on the people in the area to give their supports to Hon Edionwele as his achievements are speaking for him already.

Contacting Hon. Edionwele on his achievements so far, he briefly responded this way on the telephone;

“A man's wealth is not in the abundance of his possessions but in the abundance of his investment in people.  I thank my people for the opportunity they have given me to serve them. It’s an opportunity they could have given to any other person. And quite a number of times we also have to thank God for this privilege”, he concluded.

Friday, April 1, 2016


Madam Mary & Arc Emuan
Benin City- The three days prayers session for the governorship aspirant, Arc Emuan ended yesterday with bountiful prayers by the oldest woman in the state, aged 135 years old.

According to the coordinator of the programme, Elder Solomon Agiri, some ministers of God, clergy men and numerous people came together to seek divine support for Arc. Emuan.  Elder Agiri, who revealed that the spiritual exercise, tagged “Special Divine Restoration of Edo Glory”, was organized to put the forthcoming Edo gubernatorial election in the hands of God and pray for Austin Emuan in his governorship ambition.

“…because prayer is the only weapon to achieving success”, he said.

Arc. Emuan who attended the three days prayers session was fully high in spirit and rendered prayers in much heavenly languages as he humbly knelt down to receive heavenly prayers by the congregation plus the heavenly blessings. The thunderous moment came when Arc. Emuan led the prayer team to the house of the oldest woman, Madam Mary Ojeriakhi, to conclude and break the fasting ceremoniously.

The oldest woman, still very strong and agile, rendered blessings upon Arc.Emuan;

“ My Creator of heaven and earth, who keeps me till this day; bestow upon my son, Austin Ilenre Emuan, that Heavenly grace, favor, protection and provision of you Lord,  guide all his footsteps before and after the election, make him according to your holy word and divine inclination, the next governor of Edo state, in Jesus name I pray. Amen” Madam  Ojeriakhi prayed.
Madam Mary & Arc Emuan

In her advice;

“My son Austin, remain peaceful in spirit, our God has fought your battle, whosoever  blesses  you God will bless and who plans evil against you will be reversed back to the person;  in the name of my God, I send you to the field for abundant harvests”, she concluded.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

When You Educate a Child, You Educate a Nation-Late Prof. Alli

Professor Alli said:

“When you educate a child, you educate a nation. When you educate the body and mind you have an effective instrument for social and economic development. Education is the platform for progress. It is the foundation of life itself”

Between October 1979 and March 1980, professor Alli’ administration established 80 new secondary school in the state in addition to 187 already in existence. Approval was also given for the establishment of 338 new secondary school in all part of the state in such a way that no pupil would thenceforth, travel more than five kilometers from his home to attend a secondary school.

By the new dispensation, some local government in the state with just six secondary school before he was elected governor in 1979 got as many as 16 additional day secondary school in two years. Bomadi Local Government Area, which had only six secondary school for the period between 1979, got nine secondary schools within two years.

Other areas, which had many educational institutions before 1979, got more secondary school to meet 100 per cent transition of pupils from primary to secondary schools. Ethiope Local Government Area for example, which had ten secondary schools before 1979, got additional 25 secondary schools´ Similary.Oredo Local Government Area which had 16 secondary Schools before 1979 had additional 40 day secondary schools. Etsako Local Government Area got additional 32 secondary schools, Ndokwa 31, Okpebho 32, Orhionmwon 43, Ovia 32, and Ughelli 39, during the first two years of Governor Alli's administration.

The various communities, hitherto barred by government control measures from establishing their own secondary schools to supplement those of the government demonstrated their support for the leadership provided by governor Alli by building and donating blocks of classrooms to government. Therefore in less than three years, the number of secondary schools in the state rose from 187 in October 1979 to over 850 in 1983. School fees and entrance examinations to secondary schools were abolished with effect from October I, 1979. This made it possible for every pupil who had completed primary six to attend secondary school. All these were at a time when some state in Nigeria had less than 50 secondary schools charged high fees per session as in secondary schools and primary schools yet had problems with the payment of teachers' salaries.

It must be stressed, however that the rationale for the establishment of day secondary school was the need to place pupils in the secondary schools nearest to their homes, so that while prof. Alli government make a significant cut-back on student housing provision, enough ground is created for the release of resources to develop learning facilities and programmes and for pupils to socialize simultaneously in both school and domestic environment.

The growth in the number of secondary school in the state stimulates a corresponding growth in the number of tertiary educational institutions to train teachers urgently needed for the secondary school system. Four tertiary institutions for the training of NCE teachers were established in the state. This was in addition to the college of education, Abraka, which was already in existence thus bringing the number to five.

The financial generosity of governor Alli's administration to the course of education in the state was enormous. All students in the state’s colleges of Education were place on special bursary. Serving teachers admitted into any of the colleges, continued to receive their salaries in full while civil servants similarly admitted were placed on study leave with full pay. Other who was not in employment were given monthly allowance while in training. As govern Alli himself once remarked, this generous financial policy was to enable all those admitted into the their books as well as essential equipment. Within three years, the first set of graduates from the four colleges of education, numbering 3,000 joined the NYSC programme.

In order to liberalise opportunities for tertiary education in the state the government of professor Alli went further to establish two new polytechnics at Ozoro and Ogwashi-Uku, in addition to the existing one at Auchi, five school of agriculture to offer OND and HND courses one school of forestry and a new university, Bendel state university now Ambrose Alli university Ekpoma, at the apex of these institutions of higher learning. “The educational programme of my government is a complete one starting from the primary level to the university level,” professor Alli once gladly recalled during the ceremonies marking the laying of the foundation stone and launching of the endowment fund for Bendel state university (Ambrose Alli University) in March 1982. The kernel of his philosophy of liberalised opportunity for the individual was embedded in the concluding part of his address on that occasion: “By the establishment of the Bendel state university {Ambrose Alli university}, we will ensure the development of intellectual capacities of individual to understand and appreciate their environment and the acquisition of both physical and intellectual skill which will enable individuals to develop into useful members of the community”. Governor Alli firmly believed that the development of intellectual capacities of individual’s capacities could promote a more reliable and enlightened public opinion, which could be used to plan for rapid social and economic development.

Professor Alli’s concept of liberalised opportunity for the individual was not confined to the educational sector alone. Services and drugs at state-owned hospital were free from October 1, 1979. More money was spent on the purchase of drug than ever before. The perennial problem of shortage of doctors, especially in the rural areas, was solved, while the hospitals recorded more patronage. In private hospitals and clinics, delivery charges high per person whereas in state-owned hospitals, all forms of medical care were free.

Furthermore, the payment of flat rate tax, which, hitherto, had been the greatest threat and source of defeat to the rural dwellers, was abolished. Flat rate tax had been used as a tool of political oppression in past civil regimes, but professor Alli abolished it to eliminate ones and for all, its use for negative end

Thursday, March 24, 2016


As the Edo state governorship election draws near, there are spates of actions on the activities of Governor Adams Oshiomhole led government of Edo State to have his 100 percent control of the party primaries that may result to the emergence of his stooge as the party flag bearer. What triggered the sudden outcry came about due to morally unjust, financially profligate, politically unwise and religiously reprehensible proposed purchase of jeeps to traditional rulers and party leaders mainly from the Edo central senatorial district of the state (Esanland) with a whopping Millions of Naira. This unfortunate incident is happening in a state that harbors the most politically conscious unemployed youths, pensioners and market women in the country. He recently boasted that he will install his person as the next governor of Edo state.

It is important to note that in Edo State, a cold war is brewing within the ruling All Progressives Congress, (APC), over a rumoured endorsement of one of the aspirants by Governor Adams Oshiomhole as his preferred governorship candidate of the party. 
More details soon.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


As the Edo State gubernatorial election draws near, the sieve has started to sort the seeds from the shafts. This was evident at an emergency meeting held yesterday by leaders of the Edo APC.

Governor Adams Aliu Oshiomhole at the meeting made his stands clearer that he was not supporting any of the governorship aspirants in preparation to the upcoming party primaries.
" I have not endorsed any aspirant. I am not supporting Obaseki or any other APC aspirant. The era of godfatherism is over"—he said.

 In a sharp facial reaction, the Godwin Obaseki campaign team that expected the governor to come out and instruct other aspirants to withdraw from the race look sad and confused.  They all came out looking grumpy.

Governor Oshiomhole concluded by saying ''The Era of godfathers is over in Edo politics''.
Reacting to the news, Arc. Ilenre Austin Emuan, a governorship aspirant from the most favored senatorial edo central district anchored upon the mutual rotational agreement, he praises the governor for this clarification;

“Our governor is known as a man who always stands by his word and will all hope he stands by his words” he said.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Edo 2016: Where Is The Esan & Who is Talking for the Esan People ?

By Akioyamen Josephine.

It appears that the PDP has decided that it is going to field a candidate from the Edo South Axis of the State. It also appears to me that this tacit arrangement has the backing of all the Esan heavy hitters within the PDP and hence the absence of any Esan politician of note vying for that nomination within the Party.
However, in the case of the APC, it appears to me they are toying with the idea of making their primaries, an all comers affairs such that we have candidates of every stripe, from the Edo South and Edo Central jostling to outmaneuver one another to get the party's nomination. Even though there is a stream of undercurrent that Adam Oshiomhole, the Governor of Edo State, and a very big factor in who emerges the nominee of the APC has clearly shown his hand by pitching his tent with Godwin Obaseki, a protege of the richest man in Nigeria, Alhaji Aliko Dangote.
Even in the APC, it seems the Esan has already been clearly outmaneuvered. In the sharing of power in Edo, the Governor of  the State made sure he allocated the Speakership to Edo Central to seemingly and justifiably so, maintains the balance of power in the state and to keep up the appearances that no part of the state is being left behind. But unlike the tenure of the Governor and of his Deputy, the tenure of the speaker, is not terminating at the end of the Oshiomhole's Admin. Therefore, the calculus will be that since the Esan already possess the speakership, it won't be equitable to have them become the governor or the deputy.
The Esan has tried and successfully too to counterbalance this argument with the emergence of Dr. Osagie Ehanire from Edo South as the Minister of State, Health. This argument got under the skin of the Benin, such that when it was yet raging the Benin Leaders of Thought (BLT) under the leadership of the Enogie of Obazuwa and younger brother of the Oba of Benin, Prince Edun Akenzua,had to point out forcefully on Oct, 28, 2015 that the appointment shouldn't be used as an anvil to flatten the ambition of the Benins to produce the next governor of Edo State. However, the Esan voice was heard loudly and Oshiomhole grudgingly backtracked and thrown the primaries open.
But what are the Esan politicians in APC doing? Are they canvassing for any of the Esan gubernatorial candidates? Have they fallen in lock steps to the desires of the Governor?
I once mounted a campaign to stand with Dr. Mike Onolememen until he shows clearly he was not interested. I was supported by a host of my friends from the APC. I hope they are supporting any or every Esan candidate until they say they are not running. It is only fair we do this since PDP has close up it shop against the emergence of a person of Esan stock this year. To do otherwise would be hypocrisy. Esan must not be left out of this game

Friday, February 12, 2016

I’ll build on Late Prof. Ambrose Alli’s legacies – Arc. Ilenre Austin Emuan.

Arc. Emuan
Edo State`s All Progressives Congress (APC) governorship aspirant, Arc. Ilenre Austin Emuan (MNIA) has promised to build on the progressive legacies of former Bendel state governor, late Prof. Ambrose Alli, if elected as governor.

In his interview with newsmen in Ekpoma, Esan west Local Government of Edo state, he said that it is important that the outgoing governor should hand over to a competent person, who will continue to implement the manifestos of the ruling APC party. 

Arc. Emuan, said the industrialization of the state will be the priority of his administration, adding that it is the panacea to unemployment.

Praising the former Bendel state governor, late Prof. Ambrose Alli and the outgoing governor, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole for laying a solid foundation for the future of Edo, he said his successor should be able to keep the flag flying in the post-Oshiomhole period.

The aspirant said he will make Edo a technological haven and harness the abundant human and material resources to fuel development.

He said: “The world of today runs on the pivot of technology. Also, the future of the world depends and shall continuously depend on technology. How to clean up the polluted world, reforest, build up depleting biodiversity and other ecological resources and what means to be used lies with technology.

The shape of life on earth and things to come also depend on technology. This is why we will quickly make Edo the technological heartbeat of Nigeria.”

Arc. Emuan added: “To make Edo the technological and socio-economic heartbeat, we will promote intense inter-state trade and increase interaction between local researchers, innovators, designers, fabricators, assemblers and research and development professionals in all spheres.”

The aspirant promised to run what he described as a neo-welfarist state. He said: “By neo-structural welfarism, I mean a new way of thinking. The old structure is like the old economy. But this is a new way of doing things. This is tapping into the knowledge of the new economy. The political economy of the world today is distraught in economic disparity, resulting into economic maladjustment, giving room for poverty, deepened insecurity and terrorism. This is the old order. 

“ If we continue on this path, we are obviously heading for Armageddon. This is the reason why neo-structural welfarism is concerned with restructuring capitalism, which is the pivotal of greed. The best way to go is not to destroy capitalism, but to re-define it. In other words, there has to be a balance between capitalism and some paradigm of socialism so that wealth can be evenly distributed.”

“I carried out a research early in the year and discovered that in 1820, the ratio of rich to poor was one to three. But, as at 2013, it has gone to one to 88. That means that the wealth of this world is in the hand of few people. For me as a neo-structural scholar, this is what I stand to correct in Edo State and Nigeria, using Edo as an economic model.”

He concluded by assuring all APC delegates at the primaries to nominate him and solicit mass votes from all edo state indigenes to for him as the next governor of the state. 

Friday, February 5, 2016


during his final burial rite April 2014
They say there is a reason, even; many people say there are many reasons,
Just for a death that took you away, many came up with reasons bored out of hatred and gossip,
Even at your death, relatives and non relatives have accusations and counter accusations,
But as your younger brother, I remain steadfast that death that took you away from us,
Took away from us a treasury, diamond and platinum, that nothing can replaces,
They say that time will heal, but neither time nor reason, will change the way I feel,
For no one knows the heartache that lies behind my smiles,
No one knows how many times, I have broken down and cried,
I want to tell you something, so there won`t be any doubt, am available to do,
Those which I never failed to do before death took you away,
In your days on planet earth, as your younger brother,
The desired maximum respect and responsibility,
Accountability and joy of a brother,
You got from me and your two sisters!
But today, neither the respect nor the cooperation,
You desired to continue even after your death,
That I may enjoy and do my best for them,
Is elusive, missing and far away from physical touches,
But those that deserve what you expected from me as your younger brother,
Upon them I will divinely do, we will sacredly perform,
Our mom you left behind is fine,
Your two sisters and I are fine,
Your precious daughter you were proud to have as a daughter is fine,
She is giving you more grand children even after your death,
Your two sisters and I are proud of her just as you did,
And the rest children and grandchildren are fine.

*6th February, 2016 by your younger brother, Prince Kelly O. Udebhulu.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Fresh crisis rocks PDP as national officers ask Secondus, Bello, Metuh to resign

By  -

A fresh round of crisis is currently looming in the opposition Peoples Democratic Party, as some elected national officers are calling on the acting chairman of the board of trustees, Bello Mohammed and the national publicity secretary, Olisa Metuh, to step down from their offices.
In a statement signed by four of the national officers, which they also said represented the views of all deputy national officers and some members of the National Executive Committee of the party, the group attributed their position to the ongoing trial of Messrs. Mohammed and Metuh over corruption allegations.
Metuh and Mohammed are being tried for receiving monies from the embattled former National Security Adviser, Sambo Dasuki, out of the $2.1 billion meant for arms procurement but which was diverted to political spending.
In a statement signed by Dennis Alonge-Niyi, the deputy national youth leader; Bashir Maidugu, the deputy national legal adviser; Okey Nnaedozie, the deputy national organizing secretary and Abdullahi Jalo, the deputy national publicity secretary, called on all relevant members and organs of the party to rescue it “from fortune hunters who have hijacked its very soul.”

Olisa Metuh
Olisa Metuh

They said, “We hereby strongly dissociate the Peoples Democratic Party from the ongoing trials of Dr. Bello Halliru Mohammed ( Acting Chairman of Board of Trustees) and Chief Olisa Metuh ( National Publicity Secretary) on various charges anti graft agencies.
“They are said to have received funds using accounts of their private companies without the knowledge and instructions of any organ of the party. All those mentioned in the ongoing corruption trial are, therefore, on their own and the party was not involved financially or in anyway with the office of the National Security Adviser, ONSA, or any organ of the federal government in the last regime.
“They must bear full responsibility for their actions and must henceforth refrain from dragging the name of the party into the mud.”
The national officers also said that sequel to the wide public interest the trial of Messrs. Mohammed and Metuh has generated, they would call on the national caucus of the PDP, the BoT and the PDP Governors’ Forum “to prevail on the two accused persons to honorably step down until they clear their names thereby saving the party from further damage.”
They said their call was not a pronouncement of guilt on the two officers of the PDP, but a “passionate appeal to halt the erroneous concept that the party tolerates corruption.”


They also called on the NEC of the party to convene a meeting immediately to formalize the appointment of a new spokesperson in line with the party’s constitution.
The officers also called on the NEC not to continue with the reign of impunity, which they said characterized the PDP in the past and led it to its current position, to respect the Abuja High Court ruling of December 15 last year.
The Court had in a ruling delivered in a suit filed by a former political adviser to former President Goodluck Jonathan, Ahmed Gulak, directed the PDP acting national chairman, Uche Secondus, to step down and allow either Gulak or any qualified person from the north east to take over.
Secondus became acting chairman after Ahmadu Muazu resigned his position following the defeat of the party in the last general election.
“This is a declaratory ruling where no order of stay of execution from any other court has been granted. The NEC must do the needful by selecting a suitable national chairman from the north east to complete their tenure in accordance with our tradition and the party’s constitution.
“In pursuance of this therefore, Prince Uche Secondus should revert back to his constitutional position of Deputy National Chairman of the party as a matter of urgency,” they said.


The national officers also argued that in the light of the court ruling and other matters related to it, the timetable recently released by the National Working Committee, without recourse to the NEC, for the forthcoming national convention of the party should be considered null and void.
They said aside from the offices of the National Chairman, National Secretary, National Financial Secretary and the National Auditor, the national convention that produced the other national officers was held on August 30, 2013.
They said based on the four-year tenure envisaged by the constitution of the party, all the remaining officers’ tenure of office would terminate on August 30, 2017.
They also called on the NEC to order a proper audit of the finances of the PDP by certified external auditors. They said the audit period should be from March 2012 to date.
“All committees set up by the irregularly constituted national working committee should be dissolved and new committees constituted by NEC in good faith and the general interest of the party.
“Finally, we urge the National Caucus and the Board of Trustees as a matter of urgency to convene a meeting of NEC to address all these burning issues. Any further delay will exacerbate the situation,” they said.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Birthday Wishes: Happy birthday to you my leader, Don Renatus Imafidon Aguele

poster of don Aguele
I wish to let you know that I am very happy to have as my leader of a special person like you in Esan Akugbe Worldwide. Not only have you supported me whenever I needed some advice but also you offered me your friendship. I admire you a lot because you are a great experienced and also a great human being. I wish to inform you that in all these months I have come across you as my leader in this association, you have been very good to me and have given me your trust. Keep it up!

I am very grateful because serving our members with you as my leader has helped me to gain experience and develop qualitatively. But this time I do not want to mention your leadership qualities, but want to take this opportunity to greet you warmly on your birthday.

I know your friends, EAW`s members and family will do everything they can to make this a very nice day for you. I wish the Lord blesses you and gives you many more years of life so you can continue to contribute in the development of Esan land with your skills and experience. Happy birthday my leader.

Prince Kelly O. Udebhulu
Secretary; 7 Man-all-purpose Committee,
Esan Akugbe Worldwide
Frankfurt-Germany (Headquarter)