Monday, February 11, 2013


By Prince Kelly Udebhulu

Lamentation is an outward expression of grief over un-welcomed incidence or event. To lament without outward expression amounts to self-defeat and foolishness. Most importantly, you should not forget the past and the present conditions under which you are living as individual. Let not the gifts and other material things you might have received during this period blind you to the sad realities you constantly face as a person. We as a people are faced with so many problems, which include high unemployment and poverty levels, lack of proper health care, poor delivery of social services, corruption and abuse of office and lack of respect for the rule of law.

It's not just a matter of getting into the booth to cast a vote, no! It is important that as you go to vote, you ask yourself what the person you are about to give your valuable vote was doing to curb the high unemployment and poverty levels; what that person was doing to improve our health care, which is in a deplorable state and what that person was doing to improve the delivery of social services to our people.

You must also not forget to ask yourself these other important questions: what was that person you are about to vote for doing to fight corruption and abuse of office.  You ask yourself whether the candidate has made any positive contributions towards the maintenance of the rule of law.  If you do these things, among others, then your vote will be meaningful both to yourself and to the people."

Lament no more and as a registered voter, go and fulfill your democratic and civil obligation to choose a candidate of your choice without monetary inducement or party sentiment.
…to be continued
By Prince Kelly Udebhulu
You can tweet to @princekelly75

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