Monday, February 4, 2013


prince kelly udebhulu
Prince Kelly Udebhulu is a native of Urohi Community, Esan West LG of Edo State, Nigeria. A survey to his personality and achievement worth emulation. He left the shore of Nigeria for abroad to look for a greener pasture and returned to Nigeria years later. He is the Chairman, VICUMA NIG.LTD( He is married with children and attained his PGD in Intelligent Management & Analysis.

Prince Kelly Udebhulu has called on Edo State citizens to vote wisely in forth-coming Local Government election.

In an interview ahead of LG elections, Prince Kelly Udebhulu urged Edolites to take a close look at all the candidates that have offered themselves for Local Govt leadership.

"It is, therefore, very important for Edolites to make a wise choice as they vote for their LG chairmen & councilors of their own choice. Edolites must only be ready to give their vote to people that deserve that vote. In short, let them ensure that they vote wisely in this election."
Prince Kelly Udebhulu said that Edolites must be mindful that their decision  has a huge bearing on Edo State's future.

"We can only tell the Edo people to realize as they go to cast their votes to bear in mind that their decision could either secure or destroy their future and that of their children and the generations to come,"  Prince Kelly Udebhulu said.

"I'm confident and sure that the Edo State people weighed and fully know all the candidates that have presented themselves for election, especially those vying for the Chairmanship. I also know that they are familiar with the contributions that each candidate has made to their welfare and to the Local Govt areas in general."

Prince Kelly Udebhulu advised Edolites to ensure that they vote for leaders who not only have the passion to serve them but also have a proven track record.

"My appeal to my brothers and sisters as they go to vote is that they should also look out for maturity, respect for our people, experience, transparency and integrity in those vying for election and various levels of the process," Prince Kelly Udebhulu said.

"Most importantly, we should not forget the past and the present conditions under which we are living as individuals and as a people in general. Let not the gifts and other material things we might have received during this period blind us to the sad realities we constantly face as a people."

Prince Kelly Udebhulu said even as they cast their votes, people should be mindful of the difficulties and challenges they experience daily.

"Edo State is faced with so many problems, which include high unemployment and poverty levels, lack of proper health care, poor delivery of social services, corruption and abuse of office and lack of respect for the rule of law," Prince Kelly Udebhulu said.

Prince Kelly Udebhulu said before casting their votes, Edolites must ask themselves certain pertinent questions about the individuals vying for Chairmanship and councillorship positions.

"It's not just a matter of getting into the booth to cast a vote, no! It is important that as our people go to vote, they ask themselves what the person they are about to give their valuable vote was doing to curb the high unemployment and poverty levels; what that person was doing to improve our health care, which is in a deplorable state and what that person was doing to improve the delivery of social services to our people," Prince Kelly Udebhulu said.

"Edolites must also not forget to ask themselves these other important questions: what was that person they are about to vote for doing to fight corruption and abuse of office. They should also see if the candidate they are about to choose has made any positive contributions towards the maintenance of the rule of law in the Local Govt, State or country. If they do these things, among others, then their vote will be meaningful both to themselves and to the State."

Prince Kelly Udebhulu appealed to all Edolites who have registered as voters to turn out in numbers and fulfill their democratic obligation to choose a candidate of their choice.

To be continued
Published by Esan People News Crew
All right reserved 2013 copyright

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