Monday, December 17, 2012



                             By Prince Kelly Udebhulu.

My People, We have so many people in the entertainment industries, efforts should be cornered to see attraction centers and events organize in Esan Land which will attract visitors to see to the hospitality of Esan People. These tasks cannot be handled by the few present front runners in the business today. Proudly to tell you this day that Lady MRS PHINA OWOBU- AKHIMIEN ( CEO- Virginhood, VirginHood Magazine and presenter on DSTV, with reality show: GETTING REAL WITH PHINA), holds Miss Esan Cultural Beauty Pageant, this Month of December, 2012. Details on the poster.

Come this D day, the crowd will surge with energy and vivid animation. There will be an electrified participatorial charm everywhere. Attendants will have infectious spirited aura of being present at a historical event. All will be gripped with a raucous partisan feverishness as the beautiful Esan young, charming and modelling contestants appear. What a Great Event !

Contestants! Contestants! Contestants!

In the real world of commercial glamour modelling, it begins with your personality. There are many elements that must come together to produce a great model and photograph, but the most critical is strong character development. Understanding that glamour modelling is closely linked to acting. As a model, you are acting out scenes through a character you may have given yourself. Your character must inspire not only attention, but devotion, seduction and stimulate psychological arousal. Real Contestant knows all these, and she gives it all out freely. initially, most people will look at the obvious, but it is how you communicate and seduce with your eyes that will get the initial impact. The look has to be inviting, sensual yet sexy and bold, as you are essentially the one with the pressure of winning the audience. Your winning is a broad way to the larger World. Be the best now.

Proud to be part of this great event.

...To be continued

By prince Kelly Udebhulu

You can tweet to @princekelly75

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