Monday, December 24, 2012



                                                     By Prince Kelly Udebhulu

Polygamy is the idea of having a plurality of wives or the practice of having several wives at the same time by a man. It is traditional, cultural and religious.

First of all I am not trying to make polygamy a sure doing upon everyone, that isn’t in my mind to do so, nor am I saying that monogamous marriages are not as good as polygamous ones. But there are advantages in polygamy, and for those that want it or already have it, it should be something good, that they are happy with. Those that don’t want it, no pressure, it is a choice.

Back in the days, when polygamy was a norm unlike in today’s society, it was much easier for women to accept mentally as they grew up in and around that idea. Also, if a woman that is marrying a man knows in advance that she will have another woman at home after marrying her husband, then it makes it much easier for the woman to accept, because it’s almost as though she has entered a polygamous marriage. Unlike those sisters that gets married believing that he will have monogamy and then getting a huge shock after marriage when a second or third wife is brought into the matrimonial home as mate.

Benefits for Women

Being able to marry men who are already married means that women can marry men who have already proved themselves, therefore minimizing their risk.

Being able to marry the men who attract most women means they don't have to settle just for what's left after other women have the best pickings.

Having the possibility that a husband can remarry without divorce extends practical security to a woman.

A woman needn't worry about losing her husband and income as she loses her beauty, because if her husband is attracted by a younger woman, he doesn't even have to think about leaving his wife.

Polygamy provides a method where a woman can have a female friend for life as well as a husband.

If a man wants to have another sexual partner in a polygamous system then he has to meet his responsibilities - this issue of not caring for undisclosed children is minimized.
Polygamy removes or reduces the seduction or breaking of hearts of innocent young women, and if a man promises to marry a little girl, he cannot uses his existing marriage as an excuse for not fulfilling a promise.

Polygamy reduces the number of women who are available,  but with polygamy the less women available the more their 'value' goes up. Polygamy allows more women to have a husband, and not left being single. There are no much mistresses, the 2nd, 3rd or 4th wives have the same rights as the first wife and not left to  be mistresses which actually they did not required in their lives.

For those FOR polygamy - do you agree or disagree with me?

For those AGAINST polygamy - what do you see as the disadvantages?
…To be continued
By Prince Kelly Udebhulu
You can tweet to @princekelly75

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