Sunday, November 19, 2017

ESAN PEOPLE: Obhiaba, Let Unity Reigns Among Us.

Kelly O. Udebhulu
By Prince Kelly O. Udebhulu.

 OBHIABA: To plant a legacy is not magic nor by divide and rule politics, it is how you place your people and development before any other selfish interests. You are right to say, I tried to help my people and brought development but my people are not appreciating and ready for development- Who planted this disgust and hatred among the OBHIABAS? A misery untold but OBILU JESU for giving me the time and opportunity to witness the arrival of "A visionary, A Legend, Developer and A Great OBHIABA when I was A CHILD".

My sweetest memory of the Late Prof. A. F. Alli-when I was just a little innocent child. As a restless young boy. I had rushed with other youths to the huge open fields of UROHI SECONDARY SCHOOL, UROHI to watch the Opening Ceremony where the great developer was going to talk. A Secondary School I later became a Senior Prefect. What A great opportunity !

The crowd surged with energy and vivid animation. There was an electrifying participatorial charm everywhere. There was that infectious spirited aura of being present at a historic moment. We were all gripped with a raucous partisan feverishness as the great man of the moment emerged. IT WAS RAINY HEAVENLY! His first Words "If we didn't work in the rain or sun, where / when shall we work?"

It was a magical moment I will never forget. He was a handson man with confidence and poise. There was grace and certain majesty in his strides. There was an undisguised heroic pose and determined valour about this man. There was that mightiness presence that exuded power, bravura and intelligence.
Here was the OBHIABA in robust, radiant totality. His voice soared with velvety articulations. There was passion and tremendous vigour in every stress and pitch of his constructions. Even to my young mind, as I watched and fixated by the eloquence of the great man, I was proud to be an OBHIABA. I was proud to come from this Esanland. He turned my mentor and model instantly.

I thought I had known him all my life. I thought I beheld an Uncle, a father, a Guardian Angel with all the charm, with all the solidity of a liberating eminence. His paramount idealism reached far beyond the narrow purview of partisan pursuits. His greatest podium and raison detre was My People! And My People! And My People! Nothing else mattered. What A great OBHIABA. The gathering was accommodative to all-both young and old.

It is rather disheartening to note that, after the appearance and exit of this great Obhiaba, we hardly experience a calm gathering void of heavy Mobile Police personnel, Arm Military Personnel, parade of SSS and Mighty Igor sized Body Guards where every young child will see a great OBHIABA speaks and highly cherished.

The million naira question now is, what has happened?

 It is a high time the people of Esan land wake up from their doldrums and make concerted efforts to ensure an immediate return to the status quo which gave our fore-fathers un-imaginable recognition and fame and whereby Esan people will not be marginalized or intimidated any longer. Our present leaders should see reasons why they must wake up to their respective responsibilities and say Enough is Enough. Appreciate any rising profile of any Esan person whether from your community or political party or ideology. Just give your support and encouragement because your time is your time and it is his or her divine time.


...To be continued

Friday, October 27, 2017

Politics: Our People Get the Type of Political Leaders & Council Chairpersons they wanted by their actions all these Years, APC Chairmanship Aspirant, Kelly Udebhulu in an interview with Press men.

By Stephanie Okoh.

The journey of hundreds kilometres begins with a step so the begining of Kelly O. Udebhulu in the politics of the day as he contests for the chairmanship seat of Esan West Local Government under the political platform of All Progressives Congress (APC). In this interview with Stephanie Okoh, he talks much on youths readiness for Change, sentimental politics of bitterness and other issues.


EPNews: Can we know you briefly and what inspired your aspiration for the chairmanship position in Esan West local government Area?

Udebhulu: I am Kelly O. Udebhulu, a native of Urohi Kingdom in Esan west local government of Edo state. To be specific and brief, I have gathered so much to contribute to the upliftment of the society. And for that unique preparedness, I will be able to administer that sincere leadership service that will stand as an example for many others to follow. As to achieve this, I discover that charity must begin at home. And so, the council administration becomes the most important platform for me to establish the kind of selfless leadership style I really have not seen much exhibited in the past professionally. I have also attended leadership training in so many areas including abroad. I really wish to have a chance where I can display that which I have learnt internationally and bring it to establish in our domain for rapid growth and development of our society too.

EPNews: charity begins at home. EPNews learnt that you have paid school fees on several occasions for students and sponsored many youths to abroad from your local Government and community particularly, is that true?

Udebhulu: Yes. That has been my character. I love sharing my widow’s might. As someone who has passed through the bitter parts of studentship and life generally because I lost my father at my tender age, no effort made towards alleviating the suffering condition of average persons no matter how small that is taken for granted. I may be considering my widow’s might as too small a gesture, but go to the minds of those beneficiaries, you will see joy and hope in their minds. And that is where I take solace from and I wish I have access to political power that will enable me do even more and cover a wider range and get as many as possible educated. Education is the only sure path to unity, progress, growth and development of any society. I dont need to talk much on my philanthropic works, God knows and has His ways of exposing them to the world not man otherwise it becomes proudness hence I don't always answer those questions when asked.

EPNews: We believe you will be contesting on the platform of the All Progressives Congress. Can you tell us about your campaign team's current state of preparedness toward the party primaries and for the big stage when you eventually sail through?

Udebhulu: Well as you know APC is a big family. No single person can decide its structure and family, one needs to show working, show strength, show popularity, show loyalty and be visionary. All of these, I am very mindful of them all. About my campaign working team, I feel am the only aspirant that have dedicated group of individuals working day and night to ensure what they have found in me that is of their taste be brought to the larger Esan land by my election as Esan West Local Government Area Chairman.

I already have a broad based network campaign team working assiduously. As I speak to you, there is no single community in Esan West LGA that I don’t have people canvassing for my support across the local government area. I love one thing about my team, they are calm and calculative. My campaign team covers both on ground and the media space. They are people who have decided to work selflessly in order to better tomorrow. I trust them and the team has so much confidence in me.

EPNews: What is your definition of leadership and your visions for the people of  Esan West LGA?

Udebhulu: Truly leadership in my own view is means of empowering those that he/she is leading. And it must be physical empowerment, psychological empowerment, spiritual empowerment, social empowerment, cultural empowerment, modern/technological empowerment etc. To me, Leadership is a veritable platform for bringing to bear that innovation that is targeting transforming the people. One is leading for ultimate productivity and advancement. My vision is to remove the people of Esan West Local Government Area from the shackles of ineptitude in leadership, show them transparency in governance, ensure that no single soul die in Esan West Local Government Area without knowing how to at least write his her name and then make Esan West people Great. I will like to see that happens.

EPNews: Many want to know you really, what message you have for them?

I want them to know that my lifestyle, my antecedents, and background are my negotiating philosophy. I live an open minded lifestyle. I’m very active in the media world. I feel that a chameleon-like minded individuals can’t expose themselves to the public for too long unless they are conscienceless individuals who don’t even have iota of integrity in life. I have a buildup integrity. I am a social person. I believe it’s God who lifted me from nothingness to where I am today and that if I consciously offend Him, He can easily return me to square one. In other words, I have the fear of God and many people know me for that over time. So, I will encourage people to be steadfast and try anyone that have not been before or are tried in little ways but were not culprit or found wanting. I will serve Esan west LGA with the fear of God and serious ruggedness to bring change and development to my people.

EPNews: The easiest thing to do as a chairman of a council is to attract smart policy advisers and the hardest decisions won’t be consensus decisions. What will inform your decision making so as not to just accept what they say?

Udebhulu: One of the reasons why I am so unique particularly and also maintain integrity is my independent mindedness. Though I listen to people a lot, but I normally go for the most hardest choice which often turned out to be the best and unique at the end and gets so many people attracted to it at the long run.

I love peace and Fear God. I will continue to say it loud, I hate politics of bitterness, hate and back-bitting because I want to become a council chairman. Not in my character !!!

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Edo state: In Edo Central, Unusual Realignment is the next Election Master Joker Card.

Arc Emuan & Alhaji Isiwele
By Prince Kelly O. Udebhulu.

EKPOMA — As the State wide tour train of Governor Obaseki traverse the length and breadth of Edo State, realignments and cross-carpeting have now become the catch phrase in the politics of Edo state. The drama of cross-carpeting and counter cross-carpeting for personal, communal and corporate gains continues.

Vigorous consultations have continued to hold sway in all the three Senatorial districts of Edo State with leaders and aspirants of various political parties for the forthcoming council elections and the 2019 general elections traversing villages and towns to 'recruit' new entrants in the name of decamping.

It is recalled that "Edo is One" under the leadership of Arc (Dr) Austin Ilenre Emuan are all out to bring more members from other political parties to the All Progressives Congress ( APC ) in Edo state. In a solidarity visit to Chief Alhaji Musa Isiwele who was once a PDP chieftain in Edo central but officially decamped with hundreds of his supporters to APC recently; Arc. Emuan expressed gratitude that APC is receiving such calibre of personalities. He praised the decision of Chief Alhaji Musa Isiwele to join hands in the building of Esan people's political structure that would be viable and strong under justice and equity.

He revealed that APC is already strong and firm on ground in Edo state, and the decampees are also experienced politicians whose wealth of experience would undauntedly impact positively to the party’s structure. Therefore, he has no doubt in his mind that their coming to APC is plus to the general well-being of the people of Edo State. He further waved his beckoning hands to others yet to come that the doors are always open to welcome them.

Viewing from the angle of marginalization of Esan people from the past governments and infrastructural decay around the Ekpoma axis particularly, the body languages of the incumbent Governor of Edo state reveal that such ugly scenario would be a thing of the past. The state wide tour would give the Governor a close encounter and understanding of the real needs of the people.

It is very important to note that Governor Obaseki recent moves reveal politicking towards 2019 in all manners. The incumbent APC government in Nigeria and the opposition PDP, are optimistic that come 2019, the political pendulum will swing in their favour.
Arc Emuan & Alhaji Isiwele

Surprisingly in Nigeria today, there are no clear indications which party may be at the hilltop mansion( Ask Rock) come 2019. Both parties are drenched by a flood of uncertainties, and are fighting hard to secure the commitment of their members and the electorates ahead of the commencement of political campaigns for the populous year 2019 in Nigeria. Though Edo State is currently governed by the APC, the party’s chance of having an overwhelming victory come 2019 would be threatened if it allows exodus of its key members to the PDP.

However, the ranks of the APC in Edo State is swelling with new decampees ever since Governor Obaseki became the governor of the state. Defections to the APC have been unceasing. The PDP has lost some of its top-brass foundation members in the State especially in the Edo central district who are vigorously eager to depart from the state's opposition strong hold that resulted in the obvious neglects received from the past government.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

NIGERIA @ 57: Opportunities Abound everywhere but remain Untapped-Comrade Ohens Kingsley.

Kingsley Ohens
In an interview with Comrade Kingsley Ohens who is the President of Esan Youths Movement International and a known Community Crusader and Activist, Martha Ovia sees in Comrade Kingsley Ohens during the interview some salient answers to million questions unanswered over the years.

Excerpt below:

Nigeria has just celebrated her 57 years of independence, how do you see Nigeria at 57?

At 57, we don’t have choice but to congratulate ourselves, at least for still staying together and having a high hope that tomorrow will be better. But when we do a sort of conscience searching and have a sober reflection of the journey so far in the last 57 years, we will say it is a sorry case that we remain in a sort of parlous state. This is because when we look at those other countries that we were at par in 1960 both politically, economically and socially, then I don’t think we have anything for which to beat our chest for. So if we do proper searching on the journey so far and we look at our present position, then we need to thrust forward with a very greater hope for tomorrow. Opportunities abound everywhere, but they remain largely untapped with so many factors militating against that thrust.

So, I will say that with the 57 years gone by, we are no longer a toddler. I mean it is a long time in the life of a nation, so all hands must be on deck, both the lead and the leaders must just have to come to terms with the realities that we have to change positively our ways of life.

At 57 we are still struggling on how best to live together as a nation as there are renewed calls for restructuring of the nation on the path of true federalism. What is your take on this?

Restructuring must not be misunderstood, it is simply just as I said that we look back from where we are coming from, we view ourselves from the current position and we veer into the future, we look at opportunities. When we look backward you look at the missed opportunities. Are we satisfied as a nation that we have missed such humongous opportunities? Are we satisfied that we are having opportunities that are beckoning for our tapping and we refuse to do it for certain things? And if we put all these factors together then are we going to say that we have a dilapidated house, then we will continue to endanger our lives, by living in that house at all cost without restructuring it.

Restructuring is not calling for the disintegration of the nation. We are unanimous through the length and breadth of the country and in total agreement that we are better thrust together with our size, with our unity in diversity and with the fact that the cultural blend is a beauty to behold. What we need to do is to understand ourselves and to ensure that for the unity to be upheld, there must be justice. And when we say justice, it is not justice between one zone or the other, it is actually justice between the haves and the have not. Justice from those who have benefited from undue advantage for those who are perpetually disadvantaged. So when I say that one, I don’t mean looking at it from South, West, North and East divide. My thinking is that what is it that is making those who are extremely very rich to be rich. Can we close the gap judiciously so that with justice we can have a unity, the unity can exist and then it is in unity and under justice that we can make progress for all development and growth which we all crave for and we are begging everybody to join hands together so that we can move forward and catch up with those that have left us behind, that is what we are saying.

So if people are talking about 1963, we knew where our forefathers left us and we knew the locust years where, with the advent of oil everybody were just busy feeding on the nation and nobody cares about the well-being of the nation. So President Muhammadu Buhari is now in the saddle and he is talking about fighting corruption. He is struggling to ensure that attention is paid to agriculture and solid minerals as well as other ways of diversifying the economy, whether we like it or not the rent collection mentality just have to end.

Yes we have been lucky the oil price is still going on, the demand is totally weaning, though we heard they were cutting the output in order to shore up the price, but be that as it may I still believe our sun is still shining most and we can use the money from the crude oil right now to develop other sectors. It is part of restructuring. Then we can go ahead and look at our constitution which is the foundation of our existence. So, if the foundation is not right, the lawyers will say you can’t build something on nothing and you expect it to stand. The engineers and architects will say without adequate column, no structure can stand. The agriculturists will say you put a seed in the soil it will first of all degenerate, get rotten before germinating.

So let us believe it is the rotten stage we have passed in the last 57 years , then we now look forward to the tender output, offshoot that will make the foundation to be solid so we have good grip on the land we are standing on. We have tried so many constitutions, we had several national confabs, we are brothers and sisters, let there be spirit of give and take, let everybody realise that it is when all are fairly happy that we can work together and have a positive synergy. Yes, the nation is non-negotiable as many are chorusing, but it shouldn’t be iron cast. You have a wife and husband even after staying together for 80 years they are still divorcing. We are not calling for it, because husband and wife are better together, but let there be justice. So if the husband used to abuse the wife, that should stop. Let us stop insulting one another, let us do what is right. And if we don’t know where we are going let us go back to the starting bloc. 1963 constitution is still there. All the earlier constitution review, the national conferences, put everything together. Let us look at power between the executive, the National Assembly, yes anybody can claim the right to say it is my right to exercise the power, the power belongs to God and we are serving the humanity, we are serving the collective interest of everybody. And we derive this power from the people, let us forget our ego, let us be more patriotic and be ready to sacrifice anything for that unity that we are craving for. And that is why restructuring, knowing how to do things better, no heavy center, devolution of power, true federalism both fiscal and political, all these let us go back to the building bloc and get the things done rightly.

What do you think should be the approach of achieving the restructuring, different zones are stating what they want. Even the ruling party, APC is dialoguing to have its own stand on how to restructure. How do we put all these together, are we going to hold another Confab?

We need not waste money on national conference and if need be of course the money will be worthwhile to have a solid foundation. One we have those who specializes on these constitutional making. All these zonal arrangements, ethnic arrangements, political parties, National Assembly, executive, yes they have freedom to review and to submit a stand on what the restructuring will be, what items are to be listed, what mode to follow, what concessions from each side, what will make each zone happy. It will now be the duty of that body to put everything together, sieve the differences, blend the similarities and then we reach a consensus. It is then we can all subscribe to say yes, this is a constitution by the people of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, for the people of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. That is the time to say yes, let us move forward. So as far as I am concerned it is not too much even if the religious bodies want to be involved let them submit their own memorandum and then we move forward even culturally. There shouldn’t be a barrier to it, because we have equal rights and our rights must be guaranteed in the constitution.

 But some people are skeptical because they believe we have had several confabs in the past with nothing to show for them, are you skeptical too?

If within a family unit you have different ways of doing things, that doesn’t disturb regular consultations, regular compromise reason and the spirit of give and take so that it doesn’t matter if for whatever reasons a balance is tilting to my side, it may tilt to your side tomorrow on another level. So if we have clear understanding and love for one another, yes we may not use force in saying this should be this or that. And then the undue advantage we are talking of we have it in various presentations. When you talk of education, the imbalances are there. You talk of road construction, you talk of so many things, then you talk of the civil service structure, there are a lot of imbalances. So our best bet is to say yes, one we resolve to stay together as one, yet things must change in all acceptable way to all manner of people.

 What is your advice to President Muhammadu Buhari because many people believe that the current ethnic agitations is being fueled by his unbalanced appointments. They claim that some zones are getting more appointments than the others?

If there are unbalanced appointments, we can sit down and resolve it through dialogue, just as we are saying that deployment of arms should not be, so also we need to dialogue at left and right because dialogue is the ultimate, even if you go to war, you still come back to the round table to resolve it. If there are imbalances, make submission, give justification for it and push for it so that the wrongs can be righted.

When you are talking of restructuring you mentioned the 1963 constitution, are you saying we should go back to the 1963 constitution?

What is happening is that the 1963 constitution was working for us, so I said if we don’t know where we are going, we ought to know where we are coming from. So let us make our working bloc from the system that was working for us with modification and if at all we must copy let us be good copier not a bad copier. And most importantly let us domesticate whatever we are copying to suit our local imperatives so that the plurality, the multiplicity of our ethnic background, culture and everything, even religion may not be the same with another country. If we starts from there we will start building up. When we say restructuring, we are not saying we should turn everything upside down, but we must have a starting point.

Recently, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said that Nigeria is out of recession, but the ordinary citizens on the streets are not feeling that impact. How do you see this proclamation by the NBS?

We will be deceiving ourselves if we want immediate exit from recession. Recession crept in like a thief in the night. But I may not be totally right to say like a thief in the night, but it crept in gradually in front of our nose and we all contributed in one way or the other. If we take structures and I will make it the extreme, the World Trade Centre, 9/11, the destruction was under five minutes. The whole structure went beyond to ground zero. To reconstruct it is going to take years. So it is easier to destroy than to build. So, if the destruction of the economy, of the polity, took many years to get to where we are in, with no plans and poor execution of the plans that we had, for anybody to expect that recession will vanish immediately, we are deceiving ourselves. It is along the same restructuring we are talking of, so it is going to be gradual. The recovery is going to be gradual and if we look at it like a rolling ball from the top of the hills moving towards the valley, what we can do is to first of all apply the brake. So the sliding is arrested, may be that is what we are trying to say now. That the downward fall has been arrested. We are now expecting energizing, it is that energizing that will now be moving against the gravity, push back to the level we were in hitherto.

That energizing will require a lot of input. I will expect that we may not get to where we were before until probably, four or five years time. I am not sounding pessimistic, but we can be making appreciable improvement until the time we will be able to restore ourselves to the level we were. If we are to exit recession, once upon a time our naira was exchanging for one dollar, so that is one of the indices. Once upon a time we were having agriculture as our mainstay, the oil has taken over and the money from oil we have not been able to utilise very well. Let us get back there, and our GDP is being accounted for by other sources other than the oil then, with the recovery from recession we will be producing more, our production will be enhanced. So as far as I am concerned, yes recession arrested, okay, we are closer to it, but exiting recession not yet.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Politics: PDP Chieftain, Chief Alhaji Musa Isiwele, hundreds of supporters decamp to APC in Uromi and Ekpoma, Edo Central.

Arc. emuan
Prince Kelly Udebhulu reports.

UROMI-A chieftain of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Edo State, Chief Alhaji Musa Isiwele and hundreds of his supporters decamped to the APC over the weekend at Uromi, the home town of the former PDP's BoT chairman, Chief Tony Anenih and former minister of works under PDP administration, Chief Mike Onolememen.

Chief Alhaji Musa Isiwele, a grassroots politician who understandably played major roles in the victories of the PDP in every election in Esan North-East L.G.A of Edo State defected to the APC at an elaborate ceremony at his hometown- Uromi.

Among dignitaries present at the ceremony were the State APC Chairman, Barr. Anselm Ojezua, All the Edo Central L.G.A. Chairmen, Chief (Dr) Francis Inegbeniki, the Uzoya of Esanland, Arc.(Dr) Austin Ilenre Emuan, the APC leader of Esan north east L.G. A., Chief Okoror and host of others.

The formidable socio-politico group called "Edo is One" under the leadership of Arc. (Dr)Austin Ilenre Emuan, a former governorship aspirant in Edo state, played the master joker card to the defections received across Edo central recently; the product of over a year persistent push and subtle manoeuvre. It is on record also that Arc. Emuan's ward 3 in Esan west local government of Edo state was agog same day with dignitaries to celebrate the defections of the PDP unit chairman, Mr Julius Ebhoman, popularly called "Ozeba",  Mr Anthony Adodo & his wife, Mrs. Theresa, the PDP LGA executive and unit woman leader, Mr Anthony Eraikhuemen, PDP Executive, Mr William Edesili, PDP Executive, Mr Nicholas Adodo, PDP youth leader & his family, Mrs Margaret Aigbedion, leader of the market women, Mr Sunday Omonle & his family, Mr Godfrey Omonzokpia & his family, Mrs Victoria Awanegbe (PDP Iron lady) and hundreds of PDP members in the ward to APC.

Arc. (Dr) Emuan saluted them with enough materials and moral encouragements at the ceremony. Whilst he advised the Ward Chairman to formerly hand-over all decampees to the Esan-west Leader, Elder Pius Omofuma aka GT. He further assured them that the Edo state APC Government under Governor Godwin Obaseki will soon commence massive infrastructural developments in the ward.

At Uromi, Chief Alhaji Isiwele while admonished his followers to have unwavering faith in APC, told the congregation that the decision to dump the PDP was informed by the desire to contribute his quota in the new agenda of the ruling government which in his words would take Edo central to the "Promised Land".

According to the decampees, the PDP as a political organisation has failed and obviously lacks viable political future in Edo State and Edo central in particular.

Chief Alhaji Isiwele added that the Edo central people need to bring their astuteness into the APC and ensure that their interests are promoted and protected.

The State APC Chairman, Barr. Ojezua and Chief (Dr) Francis Inegbeniki described their decision to move to APC as the right step in the right direction. They assured Edo central people of the commitment of the incumbent governor of Edo state, Gov. Obaseki, to alleviate the suffering of the people in no distant time.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Edo Politics: Elder Pius Omonfuma thanks Governor Obaseki Over order on contractors handling road projects in Edo Central.

Elder Omonfuma & Gov Obaseki
By Prince Kelly O. Udebhulu.

EKPOMA- Elder Pius Omonfuma owner of GT Foods International and an APC chieftain in Edo central senatorial district has described Edo State governor, Godwin Obaseki, as one of the very few governors who are genuinely committed to the development of his state, through prudent management of the state resources as displayed since he became the state governor.

He also commended the governor for his vigorous step towards tackling the menace of Ekpoma roads that has threatened the people in the community over the years because of the bad roads network across the local government and environs, expressing optimism that with the order given to the contractors by the Governor, the works at Ekpoma-Uhumudumu–Iruekpen Road and the perennial flooding and death traps on the roads will soon be a thing of the past.

During the governor's inspection of ongoing road projects in Edo Central Senatorial District on Friday, September with the Commissioner for Infrastructure, Hon. Engr. Amiolemen Osahon, the Governor, Mr. Godwin Obaseki has ordered that all the road projects in the zone must be completed as soon as the rains subside.

Obaseki gave the order to Skaff International Nigeria Limited and other contractors handling the road projects, during a review of the progress report in Government House, Benin City.

He said that the over ten roads being reconstructed in the senatorial district which includes Ekpoma-Uhumudumu–Iruekpen Road, Market Road in Irua, Old Agbor Road in Uromi and Ewohimi-Okaigben Road, are crucial to the socio-economic well being of Edo people, particularly the people in that part of the state.

He urged the contractors to take advantage of the increasing number of dry days as the rainy season is coming to an end, to fast-track work on the roads in the interest of farmers and other users of the roads in the district.

Obaseki assured that future road projects would be properly timed in such a manner that most road construction works start and end in the dry season.

He lamented that the heavy rains recorded this year are wreaking havoc in several parts of the country and across the globe, and slowing down the pace of several civil construction works in the state.

“Edo Central Senatorial District has several agrarian communities that produce much of the food we eat in the state and beyond. We are worried that the evacuation of farm produce may be hampered if much pressure is not mounted on the contractors to defy the rains,” the governor said.

He added that “if the roads are not fixed, truck owners would not want to put their trucks on the bad roads. This will increase the quantity of produce that will be wasted in the farms and the impact on farmers’ profit will be huge.”

The governor emphasised that the agricultural sector is key to his administration’s overall economic development plan for the state and would not condone failure on the part of any contractor handling roads and other projects.

Saturday, September 16, 2017


By Sylvester Okonofua.

Prince Kelly O. Udebhulu today is the chairmanship aspirant for Esan west local government council of Edo state.

Growing up in one of the remote villages one wouldn't have thought that by today a young boy then who never knew his father but raised by his mum and later supported by his elder brother would today stand up to be counted and willing to carry the mantle of leadership of Esan West LGA in order to remove his people from the shackles of poverty.

Today, Mr Kelly O. Udebhulu is a household name in Edo State political horizon. Joining the teaming young and vibrant growing politicians. Suffice 
me to say that Mr. Kelly Udebhulu is not the normal politicians that we see and know every day. His hunger to satisfy the agitation of his people knows no bound.

He is not in politics for the same reasons many of our people are in politics. He has made life and he is very comfortable in his own self. He possess a citizenship and international exposure of which he has used as instrument to help many both the known and the unknown. He has sacrificed himself on the altar of assistance to ensure a good life for many whom he has come across.

Mr. Kelly O. Udebhulu is a man I met in the year 1990 at the college of Education, Agbor, Delta State.  In his age then he showed a huge humility and a sound techniques to be a leader. This endeared him to contest and be elected into various positions in the school student’s leadership bodies. He was able to govern well and received many accolades for that.

He was instrumental to the formation of Edo State Students Association where he served meritoriously. He was very significant in the payment of bursary by the then Chief  Oyegun administration to Edo state students of the institution.

He was able to organize the Esan students into a body that is still standing today.

In most recent times he has played a formidable role to ensure that his party became triumph in the last gubernatorial elections held in Edo State. It is a well known fact that he contributed immensely to the success of the election. He was never given money to campaign rather he spent his hard earned money for the party to ensure her victory.

As a close friend of Kelly Udebhulu for many years, we have lived like brothers in and out of Nigeria. Our relationship which started some decades ago still waxes strong.

I have no doubt in my mind that his feelings for the suffering of his people have vexed him to decide to lead them in to a new life.

For this I enjoined everyone to come out and give his or her support to this young man for the good of all.

Today the current needs in Esan West is too numerous to be left in the hands of people who are not perturbed with the plight of the people. Only a selfless new breed politician like Kelly O. Udebhulu can deliver this dividend. He is not selfish but a charge to make his people smile again.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Kelly O. Udebhulu: A Motivational New Breed Aspirant with Vision.

Kelly O. Udebhulu
By Aigbe Osalobo.

“Real democracy is a process by which the people are free to choose the person who will get the blame”.-Kelly O. Udebhulu.

Even as the Edo State Government is yet to fix the exact date for the forthcoming council elections in the state, some few chairmanship and councillorship aspirants in Edo state have indicated interest to contest for the political offices respectively.

Though, each party is yet to conduct its primaries to nominate the rightful candidates to contest for the election. In Esan west local government precisely, Kelly O. Udebhulu has fully indicated interest to contest in the forthcoming council elections as chairman.

According to one of the powerful and prominent Nigeria political leaders in the local government expressed optimism to our correspondents at a gathering in Benin city recently that Kelly O. Udebhulu has duly paid his dues to serve the council. He has respect for political leaders and ready to work with the people in all ramifications. He is resourceful and productive. He is a promising young man.

In an interview granted on international- based Newspaper (Loudnewstoday) by Johnson Osagie, Udebhulu said his cardinal points would be on education, health, security, youth empowerment and infrastructure.

Gone are the days when aspirants make many promises after being elected, he or she turns into tiger and makes more political enemies than fulfilling promises at campaign grounds.

My point here is that Kelly O. Udebhulu has made his political manifestos clear to everyone if elected; he must fulfill all his promises and must be accountable to equitable leadership that represents all groups in the local government. Politics in Edo central is no longer as usual as it was 6 years ago where candidates are handpicked without integrity.

Aigbogun Joshua says “A leader is a leader in hope”. Kelly Udebhulu is the chairmanship aspirant whose leadership aspiration is full of hope if elected but generally politicians are unpredictable and capricious when it comes to political power. But Udebhulu has assured all supporters if elected, accessibility would never be a problem to anyone in the local government.

Again, Kelly O. Udebhulu is a grassroots product ready to upgrade the Esan west council leadership coupled with his sound international and political exposure if elected.

Finally, voters must shine their eyes to vote candidates with enviable records in the local government. It is not about wealth, fame, money but people-oriented programmes should be initiated by any candidate voted into power. Tribal politics, nepotism, favoritism and misplaced priority must be eliminated from the mindset of Edo central politicians.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

The Sin of "Atalefoh" & Aftermaths of "In-House Blame Game" among Esan Politicians.

By Prince Kelly O. Udebhulu.

When a man's values in life are dictated by his belly, he becomes the lowliest of slaves. This reminds me of the very moving statement which I am now forced to drag out of the pages of history.

"I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves" - Harriet Tubman.

The question now is: *are Esan politicians enslaved by their quest for political places and economic significance in their fatherland or the developmental stride in Esanland is enslaved?
Yes, arrows and swords are being thrown at any person who dares deviate from tradition of "Atalefoh" ( Thou had concluded it already ) and "that is how it is played" philosophy. If things were working smoothly in the land, would there be a cry of self-inflicted marginalization by the Edo central people? If no, the next question is what are the problems? So in proffering a solution, the cry should not be blaming people from the north or the south but those inside with a readiness to deal with it. I mean the real issue. True change starts from within. We must overcome the enemies within before going out.

I' m yet to see handbills/flyers, and oh, yes, am yet to hear jingles on radio/tv, or anywhere of our people being taught about the ills of selfish interests in politics or condemning the terror of witch-hunting against perceived enemies from Esanland. The political tradition of our people should be redirected. I keep saying it but we are not listening. Why do we hate ourselves so much?

Even outside the sphere of politics. I listen to complains always that some Esan people have this thing when their brethren meets them outside where they hold sway and greets them in Esan language, they respond if at all in English. Some Esan persons do not care about brethren's feeling and would rather bypass his qualified Esan person for someone elsewhere as if they were competing. Meanwhile other tribes respond favorably towards their own even when they do not qualify. This is a bad disease that needs curing and in politics is it not very crucially needed!

In my observations, party affiliation sentiments override our local, and intrinsic interests. Today, Esanland is fragile, disintegrated by selfish and divisive party affiliations that have no benefits to Esan people.

In our political tradition, every politician has the right to invest into his political future. Politics is the game of power, you must fight to earn it. Do we have Esan politicians that are ready to genuinely serve Esan people as late Prof. Ambrose Alli did then? Yes, Esan land has produced quality leaders in the past and would produce more of this kind now and in the future. Amen.

Yes! I am fully aware and conscious of the facts that Esan is in a period of diminishing returns, it is a normal life circle. We dominated the political space for some times, and sadly, it only benefited few individuals. We shall rebound soon and this time deliver good to and for our people. Esan people are like the Israelites surrounded by Arabs. In a nation of 180 million people, Esan people are only around Seven Hundred Thousand. It is like a single rose growing amongst millions of roses. In the midst of millions of voices there is a tiny Esan voice but always heard neat and clear. How will this voice be heard without been overshadowed or silent by hundreds of voices of other tribes which Esans people peacefully co-exist with? A misery that neighbors must fight to unfold but remember destiny can hardly been destroyed except God has hands in it.

The recent impeachment videos of two Esan speakers within  months stressed the arrow to that self-inflicted marginalization, and I know hope would only come if we learn from this present ugly scenario that witch-hunting and degrading genuine Esan persons’ morale and psyche will not serve any useful purpose now or in the near future, rather we should immediately strategize to break the present isolationist path we have ignorantly chosen to take these while. We should learn to live together and avoid politics of backstabbing, bitterness, rancour, vendetta and greed.

I know we can overcome if we want to halt neighbors` sinister plans to isolate Edo central;

"When oppressed people willingly accept their oppressor they only serve to give the oppressor a convenient justification for his acts. Often the oppressor goes along unaware of the evil involved in his oppression so long as the oppressed accept it. So in order to be true to one’s conscience and true to God, a righteous man has no alternative but to refuse to cooperate with an evil system:” Martin Luther King Jr.

Thank you..

Friday, August 18, 2017


Arc. Emuan
By Prince Kelly O. Udebhulu.

Happy birthday to the most amazing man in the world! Arc. Austin Ilenre Emuan ( MNIA). You are such an amazing friend, mentor, and brother and I am so lucky to be able to look up to you for inspiration and encouragement!

But this day of your birthday, I see you as friend. who is a friend?  A person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard. A person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection.

Apart from being my friend, Arc. Emuan occupies multiple positions in my life. He is also my mentor and my leader. By mentor, I mean that I am constantly learning from him. Indeed, in my adult life, there are many scholars or intellectuals who have had direct influence on my intellectual and moral development. Apart from being my friend, Arc. Emuan occupies multiple positions in my life. He is also my mentor and my leader. By mentor, I mean that I am constantly learning from him. Indeed, in my adult life, there are many scholars or intellectuals who have had direct influence on my intellectual and moral development.
Among those that I regard as my mentors, leaders and senior friends that scored above 100 percentage at my "life examination hall of fame" is Arc. Austin Ilenre Emuan who is a Chartered Architect and Development Expert by profession.
Arc. Emuan

Arc. Emuan continues to do the best within his capacity for humanity hence I refer to Arc. Emuan`s qualities in the present continuous tense. It is not to my credit that I associate closely with Arc. Emuan. Rather, it is to Arc. Emuan’s generosity, nobility and humility that he and I are friends. He is a leader that I can trust and vouch for. He is well principled and highly disciplined, and would not allow personal or pecuniary interests to compromise his values.

He is a courageous person too and would not hesitate to offend you if hearing the truth offends you. He has, to my knowledge, given up or passed on many opportunities for financial rewards just in order to protect his integrity and sense of justice and fairness.

To my mentor, leader and friend, I hope this day brings you as much joy! Thanks for always being such an inspiration to those around you, and always loving people for who they are!

Happy birthday!

From Prince Kelly O. Udebhulu.
Chairmanship Aspirant, Esan West L. G.
Edo State.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Politics: There would be a call for strategies to reduce unemployments among our youths-Udebhulu.

Kelly O. Udebhulu
EKPOMA-In an interview with newsmen at Ekpoma yesterday, Prince Kelly O. Udebhulu, the Esan west local government chairmanship aspirant, a community crusader, a winner, humble and respectful gentleman, revealed to our correspondents that his administration would be fantastic in terms of innovative policies that are positively productive and people oriented.

The supportive youths, women and elders that rally round this gentleman and his innovative drive and strategies to develop Esan west as revealed during our visit to his residence coupled with his international exposure and connections, send enough signals that Esan West has indeed arrived to get Prince Kelly O. Udebhulu as the messiah to re-positioned the council to its place of pride in Nigeria. Prince Kelly O. Udebhulu hails from Urohi community, in Esan west local government of Edo state. In our interview with him, he shows that he is a good listener, hates thuggery, proudness, over-zealousness, welcomes ideas from people and accommodating.

In his words;

"When my administration takes office, a new set of leaders will drive the Esan West Local Government innovation agenda. These leaders will build significant progress and road map, overcome continued challenges in modernizing technology infrastructure, enact flexible policies and regulations, and build innovation leadership and skills in Esan West Local Government workforce." He promised.

He revealed further that the economic development of Esan west local government would be driven by people oriented programmes.

"I shall call for enhanced economic growth that could be achieved by the “promotion of competition, entrepreneurship and innovation."

On a serious note, the unemployment rates which solemnly worries him even as he spoke to newsmen would be reduced to its lowest minimum if voted into power.

"There shall also be a call for strategies to reduce unemployment, particularly amongst youth, through the “encouragement of entrepreneurship.

"This desire to stimulate economic and job growth via the application of entrepreneurship and innovation will be Esan West Local Government's common government policies." He  concluded.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Esan Mega Forum flags off Community Policing Scheme, Present #50,000 to Association of Hunters.

Following the rising wave of herdsmen attacks and rising insecurity in Edo Central, Esan apex  socio-cultural  organization,  "Esan Mega Forum"  has formally launched the much talked about Esan Community Policing Scheme with the presentation of the sum of Fifty Thousand Naira (#50,000) to Esan West Hunters Association Ekpoma over the weekend.

While making the presentation of the cash grant to the hunters, the head of Esan Mega Forum`s delegation, Mr. Kingsley Ohens enjoined the association to make judicious use of the money while promising that  EMF would continue to support them from time to time.

Reacting to the good gesture of EMF,  the chairman of the association, Mr. Samuel Okosun Odumbele thanked Esan Mega Forum for the noble and laudable gesture while appealing for more supports to enable them acquire operational vehicle, reflective jackets, safety boots, application for registration and fortification of members with traditional bath.

While responding to his requests, Mr. Ohens promised that the forum would give the association an operational vehicle in the next meeting even as he vowed that EMF would strive to meet all their demands and extend same empowerment packages to all the vigilante groups and hunters` associations across the 35 kingdoms in Oto-Esan.

From the good gesture of EMF, it is important to point positive fingers to those behind such positive initiatives on behalf of EMF to honor their pledges and vows to these hunters associations. On the list are Comrade Kingsley Ohens who doubles as leader EMF and charismatic president of Esan Youths Movement, he is everywhere ranging from television houses to community meetings, seminars, royal palaces, etc, agitating for the good of Esan people and the development of esan land. He is popular  with the mindset that "ESAN DI FURE".  Also to be mentioned is Mr. Innocent Omonzokpia, who is in charge of operations, administration and publicity, a good coordinator and a good vocalist. Another young man to be mentioned is Comrade Ehim Barak, the protocol officer in charge of strategies, mobilizations and finance. He is the quiet type but remains as the brain box of EMF. There are so many others whose services and roles cannot be overlooked but would be published in subsequent publications. Kudos to you all.

 The Chairman of the association and others members enumerated the following as their immediate challenges;

*operational vehicle
* Registration
* encouragement
* reflective jacket, safety boots
* traditional defence /bath.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

POLITICS: I will anchor my administration on transparency and accountability that would return Esan West L. G to its Place of Pride - Kelly O. Udebhulu.

Kelly O. Udebhulu
BENIN CITY-A frontline chairmanship aspirant of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Esan West Local Government Area of Edo State, Kelly O. Udebhulu has promised to anchor his administration on transparency and accountability if elected as chairman of Esan west local government of Edo state by God's grace.

Mr. Udebhulu who gave the assurance while fielding questions from journalists on Thursday at his Benin residence, stated that one of his major priorities would be to enhance the infrastructural development of the area, and to boost the human capacity base of the people, through youths and women empowerment.

“I am propelled by a profound desire to return Esan west local government to its pacesetter status among the league of local governments in Edo state.

"To achieve this, however, I intend a consolidation of the good works and legacies of late Prof. Ambrose Alli; for I am sincerely convinced that they constitute necessary foundation stones in my vision to take Esan west local government to new frontiers of development,” he said.

He stated that there are factors that predispose people, particularly the youths to crime, disclosing that he will tackle the issue of crime through the massive empowerment of the youths, who form the bulk of those involved in violent criminal activities. He sees those engaging in armed robbery, kidnapping and other sundry criminal activities as frustrated members of the community who should be assisted, through empowerment.

Mr. Udebhulu disclosed that he will set-up community policing by encouraging and supporting vigilante groups in all wards in the Local Government who will liase with the police to check crimes.

He concluded that infrastructures and facilities such as good roads, health centers and general enabling social/economic environment will be provided to attract investors to the area.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Politics: Governor Obaseki's victory at the Supreme Court is a tiding of good hope for the state-Elder Omonfuma.

Elder Pius Omonfuma
EKPOMA-Elder Pius Omonfuma, owner of GT Foods, has congratulated Governor Godwin Obaseki of Edo state on the affirmation of his electoral victory by the Supreme Court.

In his chat with journalists yesterday, Elder Omonfuma said that the verdict of the apex court on the case of the governor Obaseki and Ize-Iyamu was a victory for democracy and a vindication of the people's struggle for justice, adding that it is also a tiding of good hope for the state.

He commended the governor for being the custodian of a divine mandate given to him on 28th September, 2016, which represents the will and aspiration of the people of Edo state and thanked the apex court for ensuring that the mandate remains sacrosanct.

In his words; "one of the lessons we all should take from our governor's experience of emerging from election which were rancorously contested up to the highest court in the land, is to ensure that politicians repay our citizens with best governance and prove to them that their confidence in them were not misplaced."

He thanked the people of Edo State for standing behind the governor and heeding his call for calm and patience all through the duration of the litigation and appealed to all citizens to blur the lines of political differences in the interest of the development of the state.

Elder Omonfuna also commended Governor Obaseki for being transparent in all his political appointments so far saying that “with these,  the state has the right mind of developing every nook and cranny of Edo state as he congratulated Engr. Amiolemen Osahon from Esan west local government as the newly appointed commissioner for Infrastructure ( formally known as Ministry of Works and Transport).

He, however, charged commissioners from Edo central  senatorial district never to let down the trust reposed in them as history would not forgive them if they allow selfishness to becloud their call to serve, pointing out that ‘’opportunity missed may not be recovered’’. He warned.

In his conclusion, he expressed hopes that the governor would remember the plight of his people especially the residents of Ekpoma over the dilapidated roads and other infrastructure in the town.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Living in Ekpoma is Suffering and Smiling because the Government is far from the Town.

Ekpoma dilapidated  road
By Prince Kelly O. Udebhulu.

"All the roads are totally dilapidated; there is no exemption."

Ekpoma, the commercial nerve centre and the university town of Edo state, is lying prostrate, in ut­ter ruins. It is in shackles, bruised and battered. And no one seems to care. Worse still, the government representatives from the area have been unarguably weak. So, they see no evil and speak no evil because they are afraid of the instincts that they serve. Ekpoma has fallen from grace to grass. It has lost its former glory that dressed it in the admirable robe of the Bendel state's university town. There is no side you can mention and say it is better than the other in Ekpoma.

Late Prof. Ambrose Alli weeps daily from Heaven as he sees his legacies buried in a hurry. The vibrancy that defined the town is gone and the once thriving town is a shadow of itself. Today, Ekpoma is a terrible and indescribable sight. Anyone who knew Ekpoma when it was blazing in glory would weep at the present state of things. Indeed, words are not enough to capture the present state of the once famous town.

“They (pictures) speak for themselves.” And, as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.
The popular Ekpoma market is an eye sore. One of the heart-rending scenes is in Ekpoma roads around market round about and union bank where traders display their wares amid the putrid seepage from rotten wastes overflowing the road. There, maggots and flies dance on vegetables and other edibles on sale. Take this: Epidemic is imminent in Ekpoma as sewage flowing down dirty streets is a common sight. It is a wonder how human beings do business under such atmosphere especially when it rains. But they have no other options.

Dilapidated roads: Coming into Ekpoma, you soon discover that something is wrong. To start with, it is not a tea party entering into the town from any point, as all the roads linking it are in terrible condition. The Benin/ Auchi/Okene road is deplorably bad. As soon as you enter Ekpoma axis of the road, you begin to navigate through the valley of the shadow of death. And the fear of evil will be your portion be­cause the area is criminals’ den. In fact, the road is impassable, so drivers drive with the belief that the government is far from Ekpoma.

In the rainy season, Ekpoma is floating, so to say. Most of the roads are flood-prone because there are no drainages and where they exist, they have been blocked.

So, with nowhere to go, the ensuing floods take over the streets and es­cape into homes and business premises. As a matter of fact, some streets have turned to river in Ekpoma. One of the ‘rivers’ is found on the Ihumudumu road by GTbank which leads to Ujemen and Iruekpen towns.

On a rainy day and several hours after the rains, a speedboat can conveniently ply the roads and while the flood lasts, traders at Ekpoma close shops, otherwise their wares will be submerged and destroyed. Many sources disclosed that many people have lost their lives in the potholes while several others had sustained debilitating injuries.

Today, going to Ekpoma through any road is an agonizing experience because a journey of few minutes can last for hours because of the terrible condition of the roads, resulting in traffic bottleneck. The popular Opoji junction along Benin /Auchi road is a scene from the pit of hell.

Like most parts of Ekpoma, you cannot wear shoes when leaving homes. The reason is that all the surroundings are flooded. The only way out is to remove your shoes and fold your trousers, wrappers or skirt to knee length and trek. In fact, when the heavens open up, bike riders disappear because, if they don’t, their motor bikes will be submerged.

At Big Joe motor park and J5 junction near former university guest house at Ikhiro road junction along Benin /Auchi road, it should pass as one of the worst pothole roads on the face of the earth. There, vehicles are trapped every day. In fact, only trucks and other big vehicles ply the road. A car can easily be buried in the gullies on the road and when it happens, the army of jobless young men in the area will jump into the muddy water and push out the trapped vehicle for a fee. They call it, ‘self empowerment or Devel’. Borehole road junction near Esan west local government secretariat also needs a special mention in ignominy.

We have Senator. We have House of Representatives and State House of Assembly members. Ekpoma has produced so many successful people in various spheres of life. Ekpoma is not supposed to be abandoned just like that.

So, I’m begging the State and Federal Government to come to our aid because Ekpoma is an important town that has the potential of turning around the fortunes of the country in terms of manpower and technical know-how in agriculture.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Esan West LG Poll: Elect Trustworthy Candidate – Aspirant.

Julius Udin reports.

BENIN CITY-A member of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Edo State, Prince Kelly O. Udebhulu, on Tuesday, urged Esan west local government residents to elect only candidate that is ready to work with the people into office in the yet to be announced local government elections in the state. He expressed sober concern on the deplorable road and other infrastructural decay in the local government area especially the dilapidated roads around Ekpoma, the headquarter of the council.

Kelly Udebhulu, a chairmanship aspirant in the council area, told the newsmen in Benin city that politicians, especially at the grassroots, must be passionate about the plight and welfare of the people. He said that the welfare of the people and security remained the primary responsibility of any leader in government.

“Government at the grassroots must listen to the yearnings and demands of the people and find ways to actualize them “We need to be taking everything back to the drawing board with the people. We need to develop people from the grassroots.

“It is not good to sit in our offices not knowing what happens in various communities, not inviting the people concerned —  the immediate community, to ask what are their needs,” Udebhulu said.

The aspirant said that if the party leaders and the people gave him the opportunity to serve as the chairman of the council, he would be committed to their needs. The avoidable infrastructural decay around Esan west local government areas would be issues of the past.

According to him, no decision affecting communities should be taken without recourse to the people.
 “I am coming to make Esan west local government a home for all, where everybody will belong and benefits from whatever comes from the government.

“I have seen and studied the local government in and out, the external and internal generation of revenue, its problems and solutions, so I know what it is to be a chairman in Esan west Local Government,” he said

he aspirant urged party stakeholders to ensure that exposed and capable candidate is fielded in the election once the Edo State Independent Electoral Commission (EDSIEC) fixes date.

Monday, June 26, 2017

POLITICS: I am in politics to serve my people as planned by God — Udebhulu.

Kelly O. Udebhulu

 EKPOMA-Kelly O. Udebhulu is a trained  Investigative Journalist, an alumnus of CEDAG and a prolific writer, a blogger, a known socio/cultural crusader, a politician and a businessman. Born to the family of Chief A. A. Udebhulu of Ohon-Urohi, Esan West L.G of Edo State, Nigeria. Married with children and a christian. Chairman/President, Vicuma Nigeria Limited, a construction & Investment Services Firm.


Why did you go into the murky waters of politics in Nigeria?

 My main motive of going into politics is to serve my people; to bring about the dividends of democracy to the doorsteps of the people. I have seen the plights of my people and my personal or private material wealth cannot do as that from the government directly if we have workable representative in government.

So you think the person representing the constituency now is not doing enough? 

The truth is that our past and present representatives have actually done their best but I am offering myself for service to consolidate on their past achievements though their achievements are not visibly enough for the people.

How do you hope to bring government closer to the people?

 I am a young person, traveled far and wide and I feel this is a clarion call for all the young persons to come together. If we can all come together, we can make a difference. We are young in our age and this is our time. Our past leaders have done their best, let us come and let’s see what we can actually do to bring about even distribution of economic goods and services. As a politician aiming to represent my people in the next election, there are certain things I cannot do and there are certain things I can do. I hope to provide for our people, the basic infrastructure that are lacking in our communities and make our people happy.

What exactly do you want to do for your people and how will you go about it?

 I want to empower our people, build schools etc. As lawmakers, although it is not in our power to build schools but what I will do is to be in a good working relationship with the authorities in charge so that the basic social amenities required by the communities will be provided. I will ensure that the artisans, vulcanizers, hairdressers etc., are empowered with the needed tools and enabling environment to work with.

 I believe that governance should be all about the people, those who put them there. If voted into power, I hope to work with colleagues harmoniously to ensure that the welfare of our people is taken care of. Like I said earlier, our past and present representatives have no doubt done their best but their best is obviously not enough. Much still needs to be done. If you go to my community, Urohi,  it is in a sorry state, there is no development at all in the area.

What are your messages to your people?

My message to my people is that there is hope. We can achieve the better part of the dividends of democracy if I am chosen to represent in the next election. They should not use the eyes of the old politicians look at me, am a new breed of politician who have seen life and widely exposed to advanced infrastructure and amenities. I shall deliver by God's grace.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Herdsmen Attack: Tears trail the Governor Obaseki visit to Ewu.

Gov. Obaseki
Prince Kelly O. Udebhulu reports.

Ewu-Tears trail the visit of Governor Godwin Obaseki to Ewu, Esan central ocal government area of Edo state, as he tried to consoled the bereaved people from the atrocious acts of the Hausa/Fulani herdsmen and the army that shot one of the protesters in the area.
Governor Obaseki reportedly could not hold back his emotion as he tried consoled the bereaved families and friends.

Along with the governor during the condolence visit yesterday were the Chief of staff to Edo state government Mr Akenrele Taiwo, APC State party Chairman Bar. Anselm Ojezua, and Honorable member representing Esan central local government, Chief (Hon) Victor Edoror.

It is on record also that Chief Francis Inegbeniki, the Uzoya of Esan land and an APC chieftain visited the people of Ewu shortly after the ugly incidence and assured the people of government determination to put an end to the herdsmen's atrocities in the state.

It will be recalled that on Monday, 22nd May, 2017, Ewu inhabitants and friends were thrown into sober mood following the rape and murder of two women by the Hausa/Fulani herdsmen and days later, another young boy, shot on his leg by the army who was drafted to the scene of the peaceful protest organized by the Ewu youths to express their angers and concerns.

During the Governor`s speech, he revealed that the issue of herdsmen is a national security matter which needs holistic approach and assured the community that such nefarious act won't happens again as the state government already put up mechanisms to deal with the menace of Fulani/herdsmen across the state.

The Governor is highly commended by the people of Edo central senatorial district ( Esan people) for his condolence visit to the zone and his fatherly act in writing off the medical bill of the young man who was shot at the leg by the army and promised to provide assistance accordingly.

In one of the comments:

"This government of Edo state has demonstrated capacity, capability and the will to tame any and all kinds of monsters in our state. …it is high time the government directs its energy and attention to the menace of herdsmen all over Edo state.

"Our people have become hostages in their ancestral homes. They can't go about their farming businesses anymore especially at a time like this when government is encouraging people to farm",

"For the young man who was shot on the leg. You are a hero because you did not hide in one beer parlor shouting nothing “dey” happens. You came out and stood with your people. You are a hero and a reference point, your spilled blood on Ewu soil bears testimony of your gallantry and bravery. You are the real man and deserved to be celebrated" he concluded

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Edo Politics- Let’s stops the blame game and face reality- Arc. Austin Ilenre Emuan.

Prince Kelly O. Udebhulu reports.

EKPOMA- Arc Austin Ilenre Emuan, advises Edo central political leaders to stop what he described as “blame game and face reality” as regards the bad state of the Edo central senatorial development and political representation.

He asserted this moodily as he dashed out from the recently held Esan hall of fame awards and summit where he was expected to deliver a lecture as Special Guest Speaker but declined to present it for reason among other reasons that the Esan traditional rulers and major stakeholders in Esan land who were his main targeted audience were conspicuously absent.

He asserted that unless political leaders abandon their political affiliations and come together to confront the challenges and fix the complains of our people, Esan people will continue to groan, adding that though things are generally difficult due to imprudence of the past, Edo central senatorial district still has many comparative advantages second to known that they can leverage if only they can focus rather than duel in cynicism occasioned by unbridled misanthropy. This according to him,
is breeding leadership crisis in different spheres which must be eradicated to allow for developmental initiatives to take root and take People from 'Poverty to Purpose'

His words: “Edo central political leadership; though experiencing difficulties because of warped and maladjusted political ideologies, still has potentials equal to known to birth a new order that will put Esan people on the path of prosperity. It is only what you read in the papers that bothers you, but most other districts are worse than Esanland but you hardly hear them groan and complain. Yes! We have our own problems but let’s join hands irrespective of political affiliations, salvage our economy and be All that we can be!

“We have the potentials, our people; particularly the youths are vibrant, daring in pursuit and resilient in goal-setting and are ever ready to excel. They should not be used as thugs by political cowards during elections, our University graduates are in dire need of jobs, our only University here needs attention greatly. My visit to the school today reveals a pitiable giant in limbo. We need good political representation. We must all work for that to happen. We cannot fold our arms, complain, criticize and do nothing. The days of armchair criticisms are over.

“We know our problems as created by the widening and compromised cohesion amongst us. We must begin to dialogue and build bridges to resolve them. Nobody should blame anybody, let’s stop the blame game and face our realities with a view to re-aligning them in tandem with our aspirations.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Breaking News! Ewu Kingdom bans cattle rearing, ask all Hausa/Fulani people to leave the land with immediate effect.

Prince Kelly O. Udebhulu reports.

EWU-On Monday, 22nd May, 2017, Ewu inhabitants and friends were thrown into sober corners following the rape and murder of two women by the Hausa/Fulani herdsmen. Following the raping and killing of these two women by Hausa/Fulani herdsmen, the good people of Ewu Kingdom have placed a ban on cattle rearing/grazing and ordered all Hausa/Fulani people to leave the land with immediate effect!

 Landlords/Landladies have been directed to evict Hausa/Fulani people living in their houses. No more cattle market, cattle rearing and cattle grazing in Ewu.

The decision was unanimously reached by the people of Ewu kingdom as series of meetings by all communities that make up Ewu kingdom after the herdsmen raped and slaughtered two women in the farm of Ewu, Esan central local government of Edo state some days ago and another lad shot on his leg by the army who was drafted to the scene of the peaceful protest organized by the Ewu youths to express their angers and concerns.

The unarguably reasons for this decision as spelt out by vast majority of the inhabitants of Edo central in Edo state are as follows:

1. They are raping our wives, Sisters and Mothers.
2. They are killing our people.
3. They are destroying our farmlands and farms.
4. They are robbing our people.
5. They are kidnapping our people for ransom.
6. Our security is threatened.
7. The peace we have been enjoying in Esan is gradually being taken away by these terrorist disguising as herdsmen.
9. We are tired of losing our people to Fulani herdsmen.

Esan people are ancient militaristic, highly homogeneous vibrant agro-fishery and Edoid-speaking people living in the Edo State, South-south geopolitical zone of Nigeria. Esan people are said to be positive in outlook, creative, industrious and highly educated and are one of the Nigeria`s major ethnic groups and live primarily in Edo Central Senatorial District in Nigeria. They love peace but never dare them for a fight back mechanism; they may seem calm in time of oppression but militaristic at the right timing.

So be it throughout Esan communities against Hausa/Fulani herdsmen that make life miserable for farmers mostly.