Monday, May 20, 2013

Campaign promises by politicians.

Campaign promises by politicians.

by Merry Ndukwe

Life has a way of re-presenting issues that may have been in existence for a while in ways that make these issues more glaring and the lessons there-in more succinct. The recently released poverty data by the Nigerian National Bureau of Statistics has raised many questions regarding the extent to which Nigerian and indeed leaders have turned around the lives of the people they govern.The poverty data suggested that 112 million Nigerians are poor; they live below poverty line on less than $1 or N160 a day. While 100 million are in absolute poverty, 12.6 million are moderately poor.

It is no secret that politicians everywhere in the world use promise-making as a means to an end, especially when they seek goodwill from voters to establish themselves in political office. Making promises is not bad in itself but when failure to fulfill such promises endangers relationships, it must be seen as dangerous and condemned.

To say the least, it is rather unfortunate that Nigerian and indeed politics is based more on words than deeds. Abia politicians promise the masses heaven and earth and to make life better if voted to power; soon after the elections, they fulfill little or none of their pre-election promises. Politics need people who are honest, who tell the people the truth, who don’t promise what they can’t deliver.

So we ask; Why Abia Politicians Don’t Deliver On Their Electoral Promises?

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